(Dis)embodiment in Late Antique Philosophy - 06-07-08/06/2019, Budapest (Hungary)
This conference aims at contributing to an eventual closure of the gap between the aforementioned fields. It will focus on the continuity and change in the social perception and role of the body, gender and sexuality in Late Antiquity, on intersections of gender studies, history of sexuality, feminist philosophy, philosophies of late antiquity, patristic and Gnostic studies, the history of asceticism, the history of Indian philosophy. It aims to bring together scholars of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages to explore how novel theories on late antique Greco-Roman and Indian philosophy, early Christianity, Gnosticism, Buddhism and Jainism connect to gender and sexuality studies. The profiles targeted are both graduate students and early- to mid-career researchers.
FECHA /DATE/DATA: 06-07-08/06/2019
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Central European University (Budapest, Hungary)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Marianne Sághy; István Perczel; Stanimir Panayotov; Jasmina Lukic; Grace Ledbetter; Gábor Kendeffy; Anastasia Theologou; Andra Juganaru; Mariana Bodnaruk; Dunja Milenković
INFO: web - panayotov_stanimir@phd.ceu.edu