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PLEDGE. Interdisciplinary workshop on the history and politics of a persistent security device - 21-

This workshop will explore historical and contemporary forms of the pledge as a uniquely cross-disciplinary tool and practice of security. From the Greek symbolon to mortgage, warranty, bail, and seal, the pledge calls up an age-old history of securing or crediting an expectation, relation, or undertaking that is curiously absent from the modern disciplinary landscape. The pledge spans legal, financial, and security aspects yet has no prominent place in law, economics, or security studies. James Der Derian’s (1995) brief allusion to security as ‘pledge, bond, or surety that one seeks in the face of danger, a debt or an obligation’ remains to be taken up, particularly in relation to the prevailing meaning of security as ‘condition of safety, protection’.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 21-22/11/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Nina Boy (Warwick); Christian Wenzel (Marburg)




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