International Conference. Religion and Politics: The Cult Of Dionysus in the Graeco-Roman World - 18

We are pleased to announce that an international conference „Religion and Politics: The Cult Of Dionysus in the Graeco-Roman World”, co-organised by the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski in Warsaw, and Teologia Polityczna will take place in the College of Europe in Natolin, Warsaw on the 18th January (Friday).
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 18/01/2019
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: College of Europe in Nantolin (Warsaw, Poland)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Filip Doroszewski (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) ; Jakub Kubica (College of Europe in Natolin) ; Joanna Paciorek (Teologia Polityczna) . Faculty of Humanities of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw ; College of Europe in Natolin ; The Teologia Polityczna Annual Review.
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: For registration to the conference please contact Filip Doroszewski at
Key-note speakers:
Cornelia Isler-Kerényi (Zurich) Richard Seaford (Exeter)
Filip Doroszewski (Warsaw) Dariusz Karłowicz (Warsaw) Małgorzata Krawczyk (Warsaw) David Hernández de la Fuente (Madrid) Fiachra Mac Góráin (London)
Conference programme:
9.30‒9.45 Coffee 9.45–10.00 Opening address
10.00‒11.20 Session 1. Chair: Filip Doroszewski 10.00‒10.30 Cornelia Isler-Kerényi (Zurich) key-note speaker: Dionysos, la polis, le pouvoir 10 min. discussion 10.40‒11.10 Małgorzata Krawczyk (Warszawa): The role of the di patrii in the Severan religious policy: the numismatic and epigraphic evidence 10 min. discussion 11.30‒12.30 Lunch
12.30‒13.50 Session 2. Chair: David Hernández de la Fuente 12.30‒13.00 Richard Seaford (Exeter) key-note speaker: Religion and Politics in Euripides’ Bacchae 10 min. discussion 13.10‒13.40 Dariusz Karłowicz (Warszawa): Ariadne and Aristotle 10 min. discussion 13.50‒14.20 Coffee break
14.20 – 16.20 Session 3. Chair: Dariusz Karłowicz 14.20‒14.50 Filip Doroszewski (Warszawa) The state as crater: Dionysiac motifs in Plutarch’s Lives of Crassus, Anthony and Caesar 10 min. discussion 15.00‒15.30 Fiachra Mac Góráin (London) Augustus and the Neoi Dionysoi 10 min. discussion 15.40‒16.10 David Hernández de la Fuente (Madrid) Dionysus in the Mirror of Late Antiquity: from Religion to Politics 10 min. discussion 16.20‒16.30 Closing of the Conference