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CALL. 10.03.2019: [PANEL 15] Ethical landscapes in epicureanism (CCC 2019) - Coimbra (Portugal)



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Markus Figueira da Silva (UFRN); Antonio Júlio Garcia Freire (UERN)

INFO: web -

The ethical principles of Epicureanism were based on the pursuit of the individual good and on a wisdom that represented the fullness of a personal fulfillment: this could only be achieved by a state of inner serenity - ataraxía - independent of circumstances to the individual. Epicurean ethics has a strictly existential dimension, since for the sage to attain happiness, a simple and frugal life would suffice, as well as following a series of four basic propositions (tetrapharmakon): the wise man should not fear the gods; death means nothing; the good is easy to get and the pain can be easily supported. The path leading to ataraxia begins with the knowledge of nature (phýsis) through an experience-based gnosiology. Initiated by Epicurus of Samos, the epicurean doctrine flourished in the Hellenistic period. After the death of the founder of the Garden, it was popularized in Rome by Lucretius (1st century BC) and other disciples such as Philodemus of Gadara and Diogenes of Oenoanda (2nd century AD). The goal of this panel is to explore the strict dimension of epicurean ethics in the Hellenistic period. We are also considering cross-cutting approaches that go beyond the strictly philosophical dimension, such as the relations between ethics and politics, rhetoric, religion, literature, and gender studies. In this case, it is particularly important that participants can bring communications related to ancient Greek and Roman epicureanism, but contributions on the reception of epicurean ethical thought in other periods will be welcome. Finally, we are encouraging the participation of junior researchers and established scholars.

The topics that are covered include, but are not restricted to:

• Hedonism in the Cyrenaic school and its relation with the Epicureanism.

• Lucretius and the problem of free will (libera voluntas).

• Ethic, gnosiology and philosophy of nature.

• Health of body and soul: ethos and balance.

• Chance and determinism in Lucretius: the role of clinamen.

• Mind, soul and philosophy.

• Phrónesis, autarchy and ataraxía.

• Women and the philosophy of the Garden.

• Body, knowledge and pleasure.

• Love, sex and passion in Lucretius.

• Epicurean circles beyond the Garden and Rome: Diogenes and Philodemus.

• Community, sociability and politics.

• Epicurean ethics and its reception in the modernity.

• Current research in the The Villa of the Papyri.

The oficial languages of the CCC are English and French but papers in Portuguese and Spanish are also welcomed, provided that the speakers make available a substantial summary of their text in French or English.

Each paper (25 minutes) will be followed by a 10-minute discussion. Abstracts must not exceed 300 words. The submission deadline for abstracts is 10th March 2019. To facilitate the submission and the subsequent follow up process, please consider the following guidelines:

• Abstracts should be submitted in .PDF, .DOC or .DOCX format.

• It should contain the title of the presentation, author (s), institutional affiliation and e-mail.

• Please include a short bio with the abstract.

Notification of acceptance will be given by 31st March, 2019.

Submission of abstracts or additional request for information are to be sent to the following address:

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