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CALL. 31.03.2019: Hieronymus noster: International Symposium on the 1600th Anniversary of Jerome’s D



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Pablo Argárate (Institute of Ecumenical Theology, Eastern Orthodox Church and Patrology, Faculty of Catholic Theology at the Karl‐Franzens‐University Graz); Ivan Bodrožić (Department of the History of Christian Literature and Christian Teaching, Catholic Faculty of Theology Zagreb); Jan Dominik Bogataj (OFM, Patristic Institute Victorinianum, Ljubljana, secretary); Rajko Bratož (Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts); Alenka Cedilnik (History Department, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana); Antonio Dávila Pérez (Department of Classical Philology, University of Cádiz – International Network Europa Renascens); Laurence Mellerin (Institut des Sources chrétiennes, HISOMA‐UMR 5189 research centre); Dominic Moreau (DANUBIUS Project, Université de Lille/HALMA‐UMR 8164 research centre); David Movrin (Department of Classical Philology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana); Elżbieta M. Olechowska (Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw); Katalin Szende (Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University, Budapest/Vienna); Miran Špelič (OFM, Patristic Institute Victorinianum, Ljubljana); Rafko Valenčič (Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana).

INFO: web -


Hieronyme, veni foras, “Jerome, come out,” Jerome himself wrote in his letter to a friend (Ep. 4), stating a personal desire addressed to God. His own call will provide the starting point of the international scholarly symposium in 2019, commemorating the 1600th anniversary of Jerome’s death. The encounter will highlight recent research trends related to Jerome’s life, to his opus, and to the reception of this ancient ascetic, Biblical scholar, biographer, traveller, epistolographer, theologian, exegete, satirist, and controversialist. The meeting will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, among the archaeological sites of Roman Emona from his letters (Ep. 11–12), whose genius loci remains influenced by the proximity of Jerome’s birthplace, Stridon. While the exact whereabouts of Stridon remain unknown, an excursion will be offered by symposium’s organizers in order to discuss some of its potential locations. The conference will be interdisciplinary and will present Jerome in the light of the latest discoveries; its particular focus will be the archaeological finds of Christian Emona from 2018. The papers invited will consider – but will not be limited to – researching Jerome within the framework of historical context, archaeology, biblical exegesis, patristics, classical philology, and theology.

Please email Provide a title and an abstract in 200 words for a twenty‐minute paper, to be followed by a five‐minute discussion, in English, German, French, or Italian, until March 31st, 2019. Please make sure the title is concise and reflects the contents of the paper. There will be some funds available for food and accommodation. – A separate session will be dedicated to graduate students; their applications are particularly encouraged. – The Committee will reply by April 30th, 2019. Papers will be published in Bogoslovni vestnik: Theological Quarterly – Ephemerides theologicae, and in Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca. – A poster for your departmental noticeboard is available here.

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