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CALL. 14.03.2019: Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Assyriology (OPCA) - Oxford (England)

The organisers of the eighth annual Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Assyriology (OPCA) warmly invite all UK, European, and overseas students whose research relates to the field of Assyriology to join us in Oxford for a two-day conference at Wolfson College, 26-27 April 2019.

We are pleased to announce that the keynote this year will be given by Dr Kristin Kleber (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), who will be speaking on the religious politics of the Achaemenid rulers of Mesopotamia.



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Lynn-Salammbô Zimmermann (Wolfson College, University of Oxford); Jill Marcum (Wolfson College, University of Oxford); William Skelton (St Benet’s Hall, University of Oxford); Christie Carr (Wolfson College, University of Oxford); Sinead Manning (Wolfson College, University of Oxford); Chenghao Tian (Wolfson College, University of Oxford).

INFO: web - Facebook -


Our aim is to provide a forum for students at the postgraduate and post-doctorate levels to present their research to a group of peers and to establish connections with colleagues.

The abstract submission deadline is 14 March 2019. Please email with your proposed paper title and a brief abstract (limit 250 words). Papers are allotted 20 minutes followed by questions. Successful applicants will be notified by 28 March 2019. For registration information and further details, please visit our website. You can also getinformation and updates from Facebook; or Twitter @opcassyriology.

ACCOMODATION BURSARIES [deadline: 11/03/2019]

We will be awarding three travel and accommodation bursaries for participants outside of the UK on a competitive basis. These will be selected through the generous work of the bursary committee: Dr Marie-Christine Ludwig (SOAS), Dr Selena Wisnom (Oxbridge), and Dr Eva Miller (UCL). The awards will consist of a travel stipend of up to £200 and accommodation at Wolfson College for the duration of the conference.

Furthermore, we will award up to four travel bursaries of £25 for students from within the UK, who would otherwise be unable to attend. These aim to strengthen the contacts between students of the Ancient Near East in the United Kingdom, in the hope of intensifying the network of Assyriologists from Oxford and from other UK universities.

To be considered for a bursary, please email a cover letter, CV, paper title and abstract (limit 250 words) to by 11 March. Successful applications will be notified by 28 March 2019.

The conference fee of £15 includes refreshments between sessions, lunch both days, and a Saturday evening wine reception. The fee is subsidised and the costs of the conference met by our generous financial supporters: Wolfson College, the Lorne Thyssen Research Fund, the British Institute for the Study of Iraq, and the London Centre for the Ancient Near East.

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