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Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Assyriology (OPCA) -26-27/04/2019, Oxford (England)

The organisers of the eighth annual Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Assyriology (OPCA) warmly invite all UK, European, and overseas students whose research relates to the field of Assyriology to join us in Oxford for a two-day conference at Wolfson College, 26-27 April 2019.

We are pleased to announce that the keynote this year will be given by Dr Kristin Kleber (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), who will be speaking on the religious politics of the Achaemenid rulers of Mesopotamia.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 26-27/04/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Lynn-Salammbô Zimmermann (Wolfson College, University of Oxford); Jill Marcum (Wolfson College, University of Oxford); William Skelton (St Benet’s Hall, University of Oxford); Christie Carr (Wolfson College, University of Oxford); Sinead Manning (Wolfson College, University of Oxford); Chenghao Tian (Wolfson College, University of Oxford).

INFO: web - Facebook -


(includes refreshments between sessions, lunch both days, and a Saturday evening wine reception)


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