CALL. 30.04.2019: International Conference on Manipulation and Perception. Forms and Ways of Persuas

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, University of Cagliari (Cagliari, Italy)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Alessio Faedda (Scientific Committee chairperson); Francesca Benedetta Capobianco; Francesca Cau; Maria Antonietta Dettori; Valeria Muroni; Maria Lavinia Porceddu
The manipulation of communication often played a fundamental role in ancient culture. Indeed, great attention was paid to the modes in which written or oral texts could be used to persuade or appeal to the audience.
Starting from the opposition between objective reality and subjective reception, the theme of manipulation and communication is central to classical thought and permeates every field of ancient culture (rhetoric, philosophy, poetry, historiography, politics, and religion). Different means of expression (e. g., metre, figures of speech, syntax) are thus used to influence the audience’s opinion and judgements.
Hence, in current society, where the value of classical heritage is increasingly brought into question, Manipulation and Perception opens up several points of reflection regarding the techniques of manipulating communication and the eternal dilemma between appearance and reality.
Suggested fields and topics include but are not limited to:
1) Manipulation of group dynamics and in interpersonal relationships (e.g. etairiai, fides, oaths); 2) Manipulation in political and legislative fields (means of political persuasion and their perception by the citizens); 3) Manipulation of texts through style and metrics to elicit reactions from the audience; 4) Perception of reality in ancient philosophical thought (e.g. doxa, aisthesis, aletheia, eikos, verum, probabile, similia veri, ambitus); 5) Manipulation of irrational beliefs; 6) Manipulation of myths and historical events; 7) Re-uses of classical texts in non-classical literatures; 8) Use of ancient techniques of manipulation and persuasion in contemporary communication.
CFP details
Postgraduates, PhD Students, and postdoc scholars (awarded in the last three years) are kindly requested to submit an abstract by e-mail to no later than 30th April 2019 (papers will not be accepted after the submission deadline). Abstracts (in Italian or English) must be anonymous, in PDF format and no longer than 300 words (excluding title and essential bibliography). Applicants are also requested to send a brief biobibliographical note in a separate PDF file.
Please indicate your name, your affiliation, and the chosen topic in the text of your e-mail. The object of the e-mail must contain “Candidatura Manipolazione e Percezione”.
Notification of paper acceptance will be sent to authors by 31st May 2019. Speakers will be given max 20 minutes. The official languages of the Conference are Italian and English.
The Proceedings of the Conference will be published in the peer-reviewed international Journal Rhesis (, after approval by the Scientific Committee of the review.
The Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics of the University of Cagliari will provide meals on September 25th and 26th