Celebrating the Divine. Roman Festivals in Art, Religion, and Literature - 30-31/08/2019, Charlottes

This interdisciplinary conference aims to bring together scholars of literature, art, and religion to examine how Roman festivals are represented in different media and to explore the functions of such representations.
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Virginia, Charlottesville (VA, USA)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: John Miller (University of Virginia) ; Anke Walter (Newcastle University)
INFO: jfm4j@virginia.edu Anke.Walter@newcastle.ac.uk
Se ruega enviar un email a/please contact/si prega di inviare una email a jfm4j@virginia.edu or anke.walter@newcastle.ac.uk
FRIDAY, AUGUST 30 Gibson Room, Cocke Hall 9:15 Welcome 9:30–11:00 Session 1, K. Sara Myers presiding • Angeline Chiu (University of Vermont) ‘Scandal Takes a Holiday: Redefining Festivals in Late Republican Rome’ • Liv Mariah Yarrow (City University of New York) ‘Ludi Apollinares on the Republican Coin Series’ 11:00 Coffee Break 11:30–12:15 Session 2, Tyler Jo Smith presiding • Abigail Graham (University of Warwick) ‘Come on Barbie let’s go party: The Role of Statues in Salutaris’ Procession at Ephesus’ 12:15–1:30 Lunch Sessions resume in Minor Hall, Room 125 1:30–3:00 Session 3, Anthony Corbeill presiding • James Aglio (Boston University) ‘A Horse for All Seasons: New Researches on the Equus October’ • Krešimir Vuković (Catholic University of Croatia) ‘Is it all about sex? The Lupercalia in Religion, Literature and Archaeology’ 3:00 Coffee Break 3:30–5:00 Session 4, Giulio Celotto presiding • Courtney Evans (Creighton University) ‘Fasti Horatiani: The Fasti in Horace, Horatian Festivals in the Fasti’ • John F. Miller (University of Virginia) ‘Playing with the Matronalia’ 5:00–6:30 Reception. Classics foyer in Cocke Hall 6:30–8:30 Buffet Dinner. Garden Room, Hotel E SATURDAY, AUGUST 31 Gibson Room, Cocke Hall 9:30–11:00 Session 5, Christine Boltsi presiding • Stephen Heyworth (Wadham College, Oxford) ‘The Megalensia in Latin Literature’ • Inger N. I. Kuin (University of Virginia) ‘Testing the Power of Festival in Lucian’s Saturnalia’ 11:00 Coffee Break 11:30–1:00 Session 6, Vergil Parson presiding • Naomi Carless Unwin (University of Warwick) ‘Pompē and Paraphernalia: Epigraphic Insights into the Material Dimensions of Processional Roles in the Graeco-Roman East’ • Anise K. Strong (Western Michigan University) ‘From Pride Parade to Walk of Shame: Prostitute Parades in Ancient and Medieval Italy’ 1:00–2:30 Lunch 2:30–4:30 Session 7, Jovan Cvjetičanin and Nina Raby presiding • Zahra Newby (University of Warwick) ‘Festival Hierarchies–The View of Themides from Material Culture’ • Anke Walter (Newcastle University) ‘Celebrating (in) Exile. Festive Days in Ovid’s Tristia’ • Vassiliki Panoussi (College of William and Mary) ‘Celebrating Isis: Greece, Egypt, and Rome in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses 11’