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Eros in Ancient Philosophy- 03-04/05/2019, Cambridge (England)

Whether they viewed Eros as a fundamental aid to philosophical progress, believed Philia to be the driving cosmic force of the universe, or sought to regulate desire out of concern for its ethical and political ramifications, ancient philosophers from the Presocratics through the Neoplatonists deemed Eros in all its variations to be worthy of philosophical discussion. In this spirit, we invite graduate students and early-career researchers (within three years of completion of their degree) from a range of disciplines in the humanities—philosophy, literature, theology, political theory—to submit papers exploring the role of ‘love’ (Eros, Philia, Agape, Amor, Voluptas) in ancient ethics, political philosophy, cosmology, aesthetics, and philosophical practice and method.

FECHA /DATE/DATA: 03-04/05/2019


INFO: web -


- Estándar/standard/standard: £15

-Miembros de Cambridge Classics/members of Cambridge Classics/membri di Cambridge Classics: gratis/free/gratuito

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Friday, 3 May 2019

G.21, Faculty of Classics

9:15-9:50 Registration, tea/coffee

9:50-10 Welcome

10-11:30 (Keynote Address) Dr Frisbee Sheffield (University of Cambridge): ‘Defending Plato’s Alcibiades’

11:30-11:45 Tea Break

11:45-12:45 Larkin Philpot (University of Pittsburgh): ‘Aristotle on Self-love and Being an Object of Desire for Oneself’ || Respondent: Seunghyun Angela Yeo (Emmanuel College, Cambridge)

12:45-1:45 Sandwich Lunch (provided)

1:45-2:45 Maria Kristina Papanidi (American College of Greece): ‘Erôs and Intelligible Desire in Plotinus’ Enneads’ || Respondent: Stephan Stephanides (Christ’s College, Cambridge)

2:45-3:45 Dr Elena Bartolini (Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca): ‘Philia and Eros. On what keeps logos together and on what breaks it’ || Respondent: Kaicheng Fang (Queens’ College, Cambridge)

3:45-4 Tea Break

4-5 Maria Victoria Salazar (CUNY): ‘Aristophanes’ Erotic Hiccups: Incestuous and Political Eros in Plato’s Symposium’ || Respondent: Solveig Gold (King’s College, Cambridge)

Saturday, 4 May 2019

G.21, Faculty of Classics

10-11 Elena Comay del Junco (University of Chicago): ‘Aristotle’s Erotic Theology’ || Respondent: Alessio Santoro (Clare Hall, Cambridge)

11-11:15 Tea Break

11:15-12:15 Dr Alexander S. Ramsay (Aarhus University): ‘Agathon’s Erotic Potential in Plato’s Symposium’ || Respondent: Joshua Kramer (St John’s College, Cambridge)

12:15-1:15 Sandwich Lunch (provided)

1:15-2:45 (Keynote Address) Professor Raphael Woolf (King’s College London): ‘Where did the love go? Eros in the Charmides’

2:45-3 Concluding Remarks

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