Feasting with the Greeks: Towards a Social Archaeology of Ritual Consumption in the Greek World - 12

In the Greek world, scholarly attention has largely focused on the socio-political aspects of feasting. Feasting has been recognized as an important organizing principle especially in Aegean prehistory, and for the first millennium BC, Oswyn Murray has done ground-breaking work. The symposion has attracted particular attention, with specific studies of its origin, relations with the Orient, and associated iconography. This conference offers a broader approach to Greek feasting – thematically, chronologically, and geographically. Rather than the favoured subjects of feasts as civic institutions and the socio-political dimensions of feasting, it focuses on their place within the subsistence and food habits of the community overall, the practicalities of supply and organization, the role of material remains in shaping our understanding of the nature and impact of such events, and the range of contexts in which they were performed. It will examine the practicalities and organisation of major consumption events in the Greek world (broadly understood) from a material (archaeological and iconographical) standpoint, and will consider critically the application of the concept of ‘feasting’ in the material record. Archaeology is central: all participants bring new questions and data from their own research programmes and fieldwork. Texts record those aspects of feasting considered to be of particular political and/or economic significance, while the archaeological record gives a fuller context and enables us to bring into focus types and aspects of feasting that did not enter the written record.
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 12-13/03/2019
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Old Library, All Souls College, Oxford (Oxford, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Catherine Morgan (All Souls College); Xenia Charalambidou (University of Warsaw); Jan Paul Crielaard (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
INFO: web - events@all-souls.ox.ac.uk
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Gratis/free/gratuito Deadline: 04/03/2019
March 12th
9.00-9.30: Registration (Old Library)
9.30-10.00: Introduction - Catherine Morgan (All Souls College, Oxford), Xenia Charalambidou (University of Warsaw), Jan Paul Crielaard (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
10.00-11.00: Greek food economies – Jeremy McInerney (University of Pennsylvania).
11.00-11.30: Coffee
11.30-12.15: Cooking, cuisine and commensality: reconsidering the social role of food in Greek feasting - Alexandra Villing (British Museum)
12.15-13.00: A leg of lamb or a slice of pork? Portioning practices at Greek feasts - Gunnel Ekroth (Uppsala University)
13.00-14.00: Lunch
14.00-14.45: Setting the table in Archaic and Classical Athens - Kathleen Lynch (University of Cincinnati)
14.45-15.30: Experiencing the feast: multisensory aspects of Greek feasting - Jo Day (University College Dublin)
15.30-16.00: Tea
16.00-16.45: From the feast to the feminine: women and food in Classical Athens - Amy Smith (University of Reading)
16.45-17.30: The materiality of feasting in a cultic context: insights from the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia, Poros, Greece - Dimitra Mylona (INSTAP Study Center for East Crete)
17.30-18.15: After the feast: cleaning up the debris - Astrid Lindenlauf (Bryn Mawr College)
March 13th
10.00-10.45: After the Mycenaean feast: the social roles of feasting in the Early Iron Age and Protoarchaic Aegean - Xenia Charalambidou (University of Warsaw)
10.45-11.30: Occasional feasts in Greek sanctuaries: Olympia and beyond - Reinhard Senff (German Archaeological Institute, Athens)
11.30-11.50: Coffee
11.50-12.35: Fête champêtre? Feasting in the central Ionian countryside - Catherine Morgan (All Souls College, Oxford), Agathi Karadima (Birkbeck, University of London), Stella Katsarou (Hellenic Ministry of Culture)
12.35-13.15: Feasting with the dead - Maria Stamatopoulou (University of Oxford)
13.15-14.00: Lunch
14.00-14.45: Feasting and the exotic - Jan Paul Crielaard (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
14.45-15.30: Localizing the politics of feasting in the Archaic Mediterranean world. Some theoretical and practical views from Monte Iato (Sicily) - Eric Kistler (Innsbruck University)
15.30-16.00: Tea
16.00-16.45: Greek elite and non-elite feasting as a historical problem - Marek Weçowski (University of Warsaw)
Conference registration includes entry to conference sessions and tea/coffee and lunch on both days.