Queer Classics with Queer@King's - 28/02/2019, London (England)

Why are lesbians called ‘lesbians’? What is ‘Greek love’? Were the Ancient Greeks and Romans ‘all bisexual’? Who was the Hermaphroditus? Was the emperor Elagabalus trans?
LGBTQ+ identities are often thought to be modern inventions, but queer desires, bodies, and selves have existed in many forms since ancient times. Queer@King’s invites you to join our researchers in Queer Classics for an informal evening of spotlight talks on ‘Queerness and Greco-Roman Antiquity’, followed by discussion.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28/02/2019
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Strand Campus., King’s College London (London, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Hannah Burke-Tomlinson ; Rioghnach Sachs
INFO: web - hannah.burke-tomlinson@kcl.ac.uk ; rioghnach.sachs@kcl.ac.uk
Confirmed speakers:
Hannah Burke-Tomlinson (co-organiser), Rioghnach Sachs (co-organiser), Marcus Bell, Eleonora Colli, Chris Mowat, and Samuel Thompson.