Conflict (16th Annual PGF Conference) - 16/05/2019, Newcastle (England)
Every story has a conflict. Given that a narrative without any conflict is "boring", we curate our world as defined by feelings of uncertainty and continuous tension. By choosing to turn to conflict introspectively, we ask how it affects us - our relationships, our futures, and beliefs. Is conflict rooted in our desire to be valued and respected? We propose a shift in perspective, where ‘the beauty’ of conflict exists in its affordance to be a medium for communication. In our attempt to subvert negative connotations of conflict, we embrace our opponent’s reality as a way of achieving collaborative resolutions. And then we ask – how do these positive and negative notions of conflict define our research practices and the way we communicate our findings?
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 16/05/2019
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University (Newcastle, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Newcastle Postgraduate Forum (PGF) Committee
Tea/coffee and lunch will be provided, and the conference will be followed by a reception where there will be prizes for the best paper and poster. Afterwards, there will be an optional dinner, at extra charge.