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Samian ware event - 06-07-08/03/2019, Oxford (England)

LatinNow has organized a samian ware training event in Oxford for interested parties. World experts in samian ware will be presenting a talk at the Roman Discussion Forum and delivering a workshop for archaeologists, epigraphists and ancient historians who encounter this material on and off site and/or in their teaching and research. Doctoral students are particularly encouraged to attend.

FECHA /DATE/DATA : 06-07-08/03/2019





Wednesday 6th March, Lecture Room, Institute of Archaeology, Oxford

13.00-14.00 Geoff Dannell and Allard Mees Terra sigillata in the Roman Economy: cui bono (Roman Discussion Forum, lecture and Q&A, followed by tea and biscuits)

Thursday 7th March, Old Library, All Souls College, Oxford

Session 1

14.00 - 15.00 Allard Mees to present samian stamps database, its content and potential for exploitation.

15.00 - 15. 30 Brenda Dickinson to lead a practical demonstration of stamp rubbing and stamp identification.

15.30 – 16.00 Break. Refreshments provided.

Session 2

16.00 - 18.00 Practical section 1: participants to make stamp rubbings and use the tools available to identify them.

Friday 8th March, Old Library, All Souls College, Oxford

Session 3

9.30-11.00 Practical section 2: participants work with stamps and enter details into the database.

10.45-11.15 Break. Refreshments provided.

Session 4

11.15-13.00 Practical section 3: participants use the database to explore its potential for their work.

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