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CALL. 08.03.2019: Temporalities, Ideologies, Poetics: Ancient and Early Modern Perspectives - Venezi

This conference explores Classical and Early Modern literary forms that draw connections between, and are concerned with the dynamics of, time and power. It constitutes part of a larger research project exploring the politics and aesthetics of time in ancient and early modern writing.

Confirmed speakers include: Helen Dixon (University College Dublin), Philip Hardie (University of Cambridge), Duncan Kennedy (University of Bristol), and Caroline Stark (Howard University, US).



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dr Bobby Xinyue; British Academy; the Warwick in Venice Programme



The conference will focus mainly on Latin and Early Modern Latin texts; however, we welcome presentations on any of the topics suggested below:

- aspects of time in didactic, antiquarian, epistemological and scientific literatures, and the ways in which these texts interact with power discourse;

- changes in the reckoning, recording, organising, or understanding of time, and their embodiment in literary and/or other representational forms;

- grand narratives of time and their ideological uses (e.g. the Golden Age, apocalypse, ‘progress’, decline, etc.);

- the ‘tense’ of certain classical literary genres (e.g. the lyric present; the general impulse towards the past in pastoral poetry; etc.) and their early modern reception;

- literary forms that explore how individual/collective experiences of time are mediated by class, race, and gender;

- literary forms that encode, or proleptically address, modern understandings of the modes of time, the consciousness of time, the unreality of time, etc.

Format: Each speaker will be allocated 30 minutes for their presentation, followed by 15 minutes of discussion.

Submission of abstract: Please send an abstract of no more than 500 words of your proposed paper by email to Bobby Xinyue ( The abstract should omit any reference identifying the author to ensure anonymity in the review process. Deadline for submission of abstracts is 5pm, 8th March 2019.

This conference has the financial support of the British Academy and the Warwick in Venice Programme. Further sources of funding are being sought. Depending on the outcome of our funding applications, we may be able to offer (whole or part) financial support towards the cost of travel for graduate students.

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