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Temporalities, Ideologies, Poetics: Ancient and Early Modern Perspectives -12-13/09/2019, Venezia (I

This conference explores Classical and Early Modern literary forms that draw connections between, and are concerned with the dynamics of, time and power. It constitutes part of a larger research project exploring the politics and aesthetics of time in ancient and early modern writing.

Confirmed speakers include: Helen Dixon (University College Dublin), Philip Hardie (University of Cambridge), Duncan Kennedy (University of Bristol), and Caroline Stark (Howard University, US).

FECHA/DATE/DATA : 12-13/09/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dr Bobby Xinyue; British Academy; the Warwick in Venice Programme



BURSARIES: Aquí/here/qui Deadline: 11/08/2019


Day 1, Thursday 12 September 2019

Welcome and Opening Remarks

8.50-9:00 Prof. Ingrid De Smet and Bobby Xinyue (University of Warwick, UK)

Panel 1: History of Time

9:00-9:40 Ahuvia Khane (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK) Ancient Narrative Time: Homer, Literary History, and Temporality

9:40-10:20 Duncan Kennedy (University of Bristol, UK) Time, Historical Ontology, and Interpretation: the Case of Lucretius

10:20-11:00 Andrew Laird (Brown University, US) Angelo Poliziano’s Brief History of Time

Panel 2: Temporalities in Roman Epic

11:30-12:10 Anke Walter (University of Newcastle, UK) The ‘Grand Narrative’ of Time and Fate in Vergil’s Aeneid

12:10-12:50 Siobhan Chomse (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK) History in Ruins: Temporality, Irony and the Sublime in Lucan’s Bellum Civile

Panel 3: Epistolary Time

14:40-15:20 Stephen Harrison (University of Oxford, UK) Time to Come: Horace’s Epistolary Futures

15:20-16:00 Catharine Edwards (Birkbeck, University of London, UK) The Day of Reckoning: Seneca’s Epistolary Time

Panel 4: The Representation of Time and the Writing of History 16:30-17:10 Martin Stöckinger (University of Cologne, Germany) Historiography and Chronography in Rome

17:10-17:50 Marco Sgarbi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy) Francesco Robortello on History

Day 2, Friday 13 September 2019

Panel 5: Personification and Embodiment of Time

9:00-9:40 Susannah Ashton (Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland) The Apotheosis of Time: Chronos and Cosmos in Pherecydes’ Heptamychos

9:40-10:20 Rebecca Batty (University of Nottingham, UK) Rivers as the Embodiment of Disrupted Time: the Metamorphoses’ Apocalyptic Episodes

10:20-11:00 Tom Geue (University of St Andrews, UK) Slaving Time: brevitas from the Bottom Up

Panel 6: Time and Politics in Early Modern Latin Poetry

11:30-12:10 Bobby Xinyue (University of Warwick, UK) Extension and Closure in Renaissance Poetic Calendars

12:10-12:50 Elena Dahlberg (Uppsala University, Sweden) Time as a Political Tool in Neo-Latin Poetry from the Swedish Empire

Panel 7: Humanist Refoundations of Early Rome

14:40-15:20 Helen Dixon (University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland) Ancient Chronology and the Origins of Rome in the Renaissance

15:20-16:00 Caroline Stark (Howard University, US) Shaping Realities: Refounders and the Politics of Time in the Renaissance

Panel 8: Prediction and Finality

16:30-17:10 Ovanes Akopyan (University of Innsbruck, Austria) Power, Fortune and scientia naturalis: Predicting Disasters in the Italian Renaissance

17:10-17:50 Philip Hardie (University of Cambridge, UK) The End of Time: Early Modern Poems on the Last Judgement

Response and Conclusion

18:00-18:20 Prof. Tiziana Lippiello (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy)

Further information:

- An accessibility map is available here.

- Spouses and families are welcome to attend, although we are unable to provide childcare at the conference.

- Society for Renaissance Studies has provided a number of travel bursaries for postgraduate students. Please email organiser for further information.

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