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Italy in the Fifth Century – Social, Political and Economic Transformations in a Society under Stres

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 21-22-23/03/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Sarah Bühler (Tübingen);Stefan Rebenich (Bern); Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner (Tübingen); John Weisweiler (University of Cambridge)

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Thursday, 21st March

Venue: Museo Nazionale Romano, Palazzo Altemps

Chair: Tanja Itgenshorst (Fribourg)

09.30-10.00 Welcome& Introduction

10.00-10.45 Imperial Elites (Sarah Bühler, Tübingen)

10.45-11-00 Coffee Break

11.00-11.45 Municipal Elites (Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner, Tübingen)

11.45-12.30 Fiscality and Elite Formation (John Weisweiler, Cambridge)

12.30-14.00 – Lunch Break

Chair: Rita Lizzi (Perugia)

14.00-14-45 Warfare and Violence (Jeroen Wijnendaele, Ghent)

14.45-15.30 Portraits and Elite Representation (Carlos Machado, St. Andrews)

15.30-16.00 Coffee Break

16.00-16.45 Economic Trajectories and Commerce: A Survey (Paolo Tedesco, Tübingen)

16.45-17.30 Poetry under Stress. Paulinus of Nola between Violence and Peace in the Early 5th C. (Robert Kirstein, Tübingen)

17.30-18.15 Spiritual Developments (Kristina Sessa, Ohio State University)

18.15-18:30 Coffee Break

18.30 – Evening lecture

Simony and the State in the Fifth Century Church (Michele-Renee Salzman, UC Riverside)

19.45 – Reception

Friday, 22nd March

Venue: Istituto Svizzero di Roma

Chair: Marco Maiuro (Rome, La Sapienza)

09.15-10.00 Aemilia (Claudio Negrelli, Venezia)

10.00-10.45 Tuscia Annonaria and Suburbicaria (Federico Cantini, Pisa)

10.45-11.00 Coffee Break

11.00-11.45 Umbria, Flaminia and Picenum (Fabrizio Oppedisano, Pisa)

11.45-12.30 Latium and the Roman Suburbium (Cristina Murer, Bern)

12.30-14.15 – Lunch Break

Chair: Arnaldo Marcone (Roma Tre)

14.15-15.00 Campania (Eliodoro Savino, Naples)

15.00-15.45 Lucania and Bruttium (Battista Sangineto, University of Calabria)

15.45-16.15 Coffee Break

16.15-17.00 Corsica and Sardegna (Pier Giorgio Spanu, Sassari)

17.00-17.45 Settlement Patterns in the Sicilian Countryside (Angelo Castrorao Barba, CSIC, LAAC/EEA Granada)

17.45-18.30 Apulia and Calabria (Giuliano Volpe/Roberto Goffredo, Foggia)

20.00 Uhr Dinner

Saturday, 23rd March

Venue: Istituto Svizzero di Roma

Chair: Domenico Vera (Parma)

09.00-09.45 Peasants and Agriculture (Kim Bowes, UPenn)

09.45-10.30 Venetia and Histria (Alexandra Chavarría Arnau, Padova)

10.30-10.45 Coffee Break

10.45-11.30 Monetary Circulation: A complex system (Flavia Marani, Pisa)

11.30-12.15 Italy and the East (Umberto Roberto, Rome)

12.15-13.00 Cities (Neil Christie, Leicester)

13.00-13.30 Conclusions (Stefan Rebenich, Bern)

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