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’In thy arms I lost myself’ – Images, Perceptions and Productions in/of Antiquity - 09-10-11/10/2019

Antiquity... this word encompasses a World, three continents – Africa, Asia and Europe – multiple civilizations – Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Hebrew, Phoenician, Persian, Chinese, Hindu, Cretan, Greek, Roman – and more than 4000 years of history. The World, as we know it, was molded in this time – vast – and in these founding spaces, fecundated by rivers – Nile, Tiger and Euphrates, Indo and Yellow – and blessed by seas. One of those seas – the Mediterranean – due to its privileged position on the path of so many people and cultures, soon personified in history the role of the “true sea”, the “sea between the lands” – that both the Hebrews and classic authors such as Lucretius, Plinius and Seneca mentioned – whose waters, symbol of a World in transformation, represent and evoke the dangers and difficulties of the passage from a known to an unknown World.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 09-10-11/10/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: André Patrício; Marcus Carvalho; Susana Mota.

INFO: web -



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