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Living Communities and their Archaeologies - 12-13-14/09/2019, Helsinki (Finland)

The "Living Communities and Their Archaeologies" conference welcomes presentations addressing the fundamental issue of what we understand as “community archaeology”. This seemingly simple question refers both to the “communities” and the “archaeologies” concerned, and to the interrelations between them. Which communities are we addressing when doing community archaeology (and which are ignored)? What approaches to archaeology do we employ? Is it only excavation, does community archaeology end when the excavation season is over? How do we affect the community in which (or with which) we work? How does the community affect us, the archaeologists? And how can we measure and explain success or failure of “community archaeology” projects?

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 12-13-14/09/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Rick Bonnie; Suzie Thomas; Raz Kletter; Marta Lorenzon.

INFO: web -



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