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Time, Tense and Genre in Ancient Greek Literature - 12-13/09/2019, London (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 12-13/09/2019


INFO: facebook -


Thanks to the generosity of the Classical Association, ten bursaries of £50 are available for students and the unwaged. Please contact Connie Bloomfield-Gadêlha if you would like to be considered for a bursary.


Thursday 12th September 2019 0945 Registration and Coffee 1020 Welcome (Connie Bloomfield and Edith Hall) Session 1: Archaic Time 1030 Tobias Myers Imperfective Moments: The Celestial Perspective in Iliadic Battle Narratives 1100 Rioghnach Sachs Homoeroticism, Time and the Determination of Genre in Sappho’s Fragments 1130 Alex Purves Alcman, Sappho, and the ‘Lyric Present’ 1200 Break 1230 Peter Moench Bending Time: Cosmic History and Human Temporality in Pindar’s Nemean 6 1300 Ditmar Dragnev Aesop and the Future 1330 Lunch Session 2: Ethnographic and Historiographic Time 1430 Tobias Joho Tense Usage, Dialogue Form and Characterization in Herodotus 1500 Keating McKeon Perseid Wars and Notional Nostos in Herodotus’ Histories 1530 Kenneth Yu Aetiology and Temporality in Greek Ethnographic Literature 1600 Brian McPhee Ethnography in the Past Tense: The Amazons in Apollonius’ Argonautica 1630 Tea 1700 Keynote 1: Felix Budelmann Tense, Aspect and Temporality in the Greek Lyric Present 1800 Drinks and Speakers’ Dinner Friday 13th September 2019 Session 3: Time, Knowledge and Narrative 0900 Carol Atack Temporalities of Knowledge in Plato’s Protagoras 0930 Isobel Higgins Conceptualising the Future in Lycophron’s Alexandra 1000 Alessandro Vatri The Living Past: Tense and Genre in the Critical Essays of Dionysius of Halicarnassus 1030 Coffee 1100 Robert Rohland The time of Dining and the Time of Death: Sardanapallus, Epitaphs and Performance 1130 Carlo Delle Donne Tenses in the Genre of Greek Cosmology: the Case of Plutarch 1200 Jody Cundy Turning Hierophany into Text: Pausanias on Lebadeia and the Oracle of Trophonius 1230 Lunch Session 4: Dramatic and Theatrical Time 1330 Keynote 2: Sheila Murnaghan The Singularity of the Tragic Day 1430 Marcus Bell Mis-step in Time—Dancing Elsewhen through Euripides’ Bakkhai 1500 Efstathia Athanasopoulou Entangled in Time: Satyr Drama in Present Tense 1530 Tea 1600 Devan Turner Silenus and the Chorus of Satyr Drama as Time Travellers 1630 Peter Swallow Time in Old Comedy 1700 Roundtable Discussion over Wine 1800 Depart

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