CALL. 15.04.2019: [PANEL 14] Law, Institutions, and Economic Performance in Classical Antiquity (CCC

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Faculdade de Letras - Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Michael Leese (University of New Hampshire); Charles Bartlett (Duke University)
INFO: web -
Law and institutions are increasingly becoming central to the study of the ancient economy. But in spite of several recent specialized conferences and edited volumes, critical issues such as growth and the performance of the economy in ancient Greece and Rome are still poorly understood, and scholars still do not have a clear sense of how the ancient economy compared to other premodern (or modern) economic systems. Further integration of legal and institutional approaches to the study of the ancient economy will likely shed much light on many of the most intransigent questions of how the ancient economy functioned, and comparative perspectives promise to provide important insights into the Greco-Roman economy that would be unattainable with a narrower focus.
This panel aims to explore the ways in which law and institutions affected the performance of the ancient economy, and to incorporate innovative comparisons with economic institutions and relationships characteristic of other periods and places. It is hoped that our participants’ contributions will engage with recent methodological approaches and substantive conclusions against the backdrop of previous work on the ancient economy and ancient law, and will suggest potentially fruitful new avenues of research. Proposals on any subject relevant to the panel’s theme are welcome, including topics that have traditionally been considered tangential to or outside of the scope of economic history.
Interested scholars are invited to send abstracts of up to 300 words to and by 15 April 2019. Notification of acceptance will be given by 30 April 2019.
The possibility of publishing the papers as an edited volume will be discussed among the participants at the conference.
Nota bene: This conference is unable to provide any funding to presenters, so participants will need to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses, as well as the conference participation fee.