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Pollux, Onomasticon About Play and Games - 16/04/2019, Fribourg (Switzerland)

The current lecture examines Greek children’s toys in terms of their cultural “biographies”. Toys may have specific meanings when they ate designed and produced, while they may acquire other meanings during their trajectory through distribution, advertising and retailing. These meanings are further reworked by the consumers and users of toys: children, their peers, their teachers and their families during play. Further meanings may be attached to toys when they are outgrown by children. Several possibilities are opened when a child’s collection of toys is dissolved marking a contemporary rite of passage to adolescence. Toys during this process of separation from childhood may in fact acquire second lives: They can be offered as gifts to other children, charity or museums, they may be thrown away and become commodities again by entering the second hand market or they may be preserved as souvenirs of childhood or symbols of family ties

FECHA /DATE/DATA: 16/04/2019


INFO: web - - W



Chair: Karin Schlapbach, Fribourg

9h00 Renzo Tosi, Bologna Proverbes dans l´Onomasticon de Pollux

10h00 Stylianos Chronopoulos, Freiburg i. Br. Semantic Relations in Lexicographic and Encyclopedic Structures in the Passages on Poetry, Music and Theater (4.52–154), on Games (6.109–111, 7.203–206, 9.94–103) and on Cities (9.6–50) in Pollux’ Onomasticon

10h45 Break Chair: André-Louis Rey, Genève

11h15 Stefano Valente, Hamburg Jouer avec les Classiques. Quelques remarques sur les citations littéraires dans la section sur les jeux de l’Onomasticon de Pollux

12h00 Lunch break Afternoon Chair : Ulrich Schädler, Fribourg/Swiss Museum of Games

13h15 Marco Vespa, Fribourg Héraclès, les vautours et le coup du roi. Autour de Plaute Curc, 350 ss.

14h00 Barbara Caré, Torino Play, Performance and Ritual in Pollux's Onomasticon

14h45 Break Chair : Fabio Spadini, Fribourg

15h00 Salvatore Costanza, Fribourg Jeux d’enfants avec osselets et parallèles en Grèce moderne: le jeu du vizir (βεζύρης)

15h45 Martin Steinrück, Fribourg Comptines dans l´Onomasticon de Pollux : une interprétation métrique

Chair: Alessandro Pace, Fribourg 16h15 Andromache Karanika, UC, Irvine Performance and Erudition in Pollux's Presentation of Games

16h45 Véronique Dasen, Fribourg Conclusion: Pollux in Perspective

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