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CALL. 30.06.2019: Contacts between Graeco-roman and Eastern literatures - Valencia (Spain)



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: The Group of Research on the Reception of Classical Literature (GIRLC)

INFO: call - web

The Group of Research on the Reception of Classical Literature (GIRLC in catalan) organizes an international interdisciplinary conference whose main topic deals with the contacts between the Graeco-roman and the Eastern literary traditions, and also its reception in medieval and modern literatures. The main goals are, on the one hand, to show the results of the research group in its own filed of studies, namely the reception of both Latin and Greek literature in medieval one, and, on the other, to create an open exchange of ideas and research in order to establish a connection among scholars from different fields and academic milieus.

To do so, we will accept proposals on the mutual influence between Graeco-roman and Eastern literature. The links of the Greek civilization with the Orient were already evident before the expedition of Alexander the Great. His control over those territories contributed, however, to open new routes explored later by Rome. The news coming from these new lands had a large influence over Graeco-Roman literature and helped to create not only an exotic vision of the amazing things founded, but also a deeper interest on their political models, habits or knowledge.

This interest does not decline centuries later. In fact, commercial routes were used during Middle Ages as well. At this time these topics of the Graeco-roman literature on Eastern way of life were constantly evoked and even new ones were created. Finally, the birth of comparative method in modern times offered a new way of study, sometimes characterized by Eurocentric feelings and prejudices, stimulating idealized visions such as that of the Romantic movement in the 19th century.

Any proposal related to the main topic of this conference will be reviewed. Communications could be focused on a single work, author or genre or present a multidisciplinary or comparative approach, by studying, i.e., the presence of a precise motif on different genres, literatures, centuries…

Abstracts of 250 words or fewer should be submitted to in .docx (.doc) format no later than June 30, 2019. Notifications of acceptance will be sent prior to July 31, 2019. Please include your name, affiliation, and the title of your abstract in the body of your email. Papers should be no longer than 20 minutes.

Participation fees will be transferred to a bank account which will be provided when the proposal will be accepted.


– 60 € Speakers

– 40 € Speakers (students or unemployed; documentation will be required)

– 20 € Attendees (will receive a certificate)

The communications will be published after the conference. However, the acceptance of the papers submitted to publication will only depend on a double-blind peer review process based on scientific criteria required by the academic publishing house’s policy of quality.

A pdf with all information can be downloaded: CFP trilingüe.

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