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Connectivity in the Roman World - 18/06/2019, Exeter (England)

The Centre for Connectivity in the Roman World (University of Exeter) is pleased to announce its inaugural research workshop to take place on June 18th. The aim of the workshop is to encourage fresh theoretical and methodological dialogue between researchers working on aspects of connectivity in different parts of the Roman world. A draft outline programme with speakers and paper titles is detailed below.

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 18/06/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: The Centre for Connectivity in the Roman World (University of Exeter)



Thanks to the generosity of Exeter’s College of Humanities, we have a limited number of travel bursaries for UK/EU based students who wish to attend. To apply, please send a supporting statement of no more than 250 words to the Centre Director ( by 5pm on Friday May 10th. Priority will be given to undergraduates and MA students who are considering applying for doctoral study in research areas associated with the interests of the Centre. Other attendees are most welcome. There is no conference fee.


10.00 Introduction to the Centre and its research – Martin Pitts, Centre Director

Session 1: Connectivity and the Roman East (chaired by Elena Isayev, Classics)

Francisco Machuca Prieto, University of Malaga. ‘Being Roman: The Phoenician connection’

Luca Mazzini, PhD candidate, University of Exeter. ‘The connection between Macedonian identity and civic competitions in Roman imperial Asia’

Session 2: Connectivity and the Roman West (chaired by Ioana Oltean, Archaeology)

Tatiana Ivleva, University of Leiden. ‘Glass connects people: late Iron Age and Roman period glass bangles in Continental Europe and Britain’

Martin Pitts, University of Exeter. ‘Roman archaeology beyond identity. Moving objects and their people in early Roman northwest Europe’

Session 3: Connections at the edges of the Roman world (chaired by Barbara Borg, Classics)

Matthew Cobb, University of Wales Trinity Saint David. ‘Integrating the wider Indian Ocean World: Connectivity between the Roman empire and the Tamilakam’

Marike van Aerde, University of Leiden. ‘From Egypt to India: Roman trade along the ancient Silk Roads’

Keynote lecture and closing discussion: Tamar Hodos, University of Bristol ‘Globalising the Mediterranean Iron Age’

16.30 Workshop close

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