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The Small Stuff of the Palmyrenes: The Coins and Tesserae of Palmyra - 20-21/06/2019, Copenhage (Den

Themes to be explored in the conference papers include the iconography and inscriptions of the local coinage and the tesserae; the reflections of local traditions in the visual language of these groups of material; the influence of traditions from other regions than Palmyra itself, traceable through these objects; the significance of the tesserae for the understanding of the structure of Palmyrene religious life; and the significance of the coinage for the understanding of Palmyra’s urban networks and economy.



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DAY 1: Thursday 20 June 2019

9:00–9:30 Coffee and registration

9:30–9:45 Welcome and introduction Rubina Raja (Aarhus University)

9:45–10:15 Toward a die study of Palmyra’s coinage Nathanael Andrade (University of Binghamton)

10:15–10:45 Discussion

10:45–11:15 The production, circulation and function of the local Palmyrene coinage Nathalia B. Kristensen (Aarhus University)

11:15–11:45 Discussion

11:45–12:15 Beyond Palmyra: The coinage of the Assyrians Kevin Butcher (University of Warwick)

12:15–12:45 Discussion

12:45–13:45 Lunch

13:45–14:15 Civic coins and urban networks: Palmyra and its coinage in a regional perspective Michael Blömer (Aarhus University)

14:15–14:45 Discussion

14:45–15:15 Les monnaies des Septimii de Palmyre Annie Sartre-Fauriat (Université de Tours)

15:15–15:45 Discussion

15:45–16:15 Break

16:15–16:45 Imperial grandeur, small scale: Zenobia’s coinage revisited Michael Sommer (University of Oldenburg)

16:45–17:15 Discussion

17:15–17:45 Post-Roman coinage in Palmyra: Two notes on circulation and coin hoarding Emanuele E. Intagliata (Aarhus University)

17:45–18:15 Discussion

18:15–18:30 Discussion

19:00 Speakers’ dinner

Restaurant Tight, Hyskenstræde

DAY 2: Friday 21 June 2019

8:30–9:00 Exploring the religious and social life of Palmyra through the banqueting tesserae Rubina Raja (Aarhus University)

9:00–9:30 Discussion

9:30–10:00 Tesseras and prosopography Jean-Baptiste Yon (Laboratoire HiSoMa)

10:00–10:30 Discussion

10:30–10:45 Break

10:45–11:15 Divine representations on the Palmyrene coins and tesserae Ted Kaizer (Durham University)

11:15–11:45 Discussion

11:45–12:15 Palmyrene tesserae in the context of temple cult: New reflections and approach Aleksandra Kubiak-Schneider (Independent researcher)

12:15–12:45 Discussion

12:45–13:45 Lunch

13:45–14:15 Caravan trade in Palmyrene tesserae and coins? Eivind H. Seland (University of Bergen)

14:15–14:45 Discussion

14:45–15:15 An unexpected find from the sand: A new tessera from the south-west quarter of Palmyra (2010) Antonino Crisà (University of Warwick)

15:15–15:45 Discussion

15:45–16:00 Break

16:00–16:30 Zenobia or Salonina? On a bronze medallion from Palmyra Michał Gawlikowski (Warsaw University)

16:30–17:00 Discussion

17:00–17:15 Final discussion

17:15–18:00 Drinks at the Academy

18:00 End of conference

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