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Come da sorgente perenne - persistenza e attualità dell'antico - 30/05/2019, Parma (Italy)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 30/05/2019





9.15 am Aula Magna of the Liceo Classico-Scientifico "Ariosto-Spallanzani" (Istituto “Garibaldi” - Via Franchetti, 3 - 42121 Reggio Emilia), conferenceNuove acquisizioni da papiri;

2.30 pm guided tour to the city of Reggio Emilia and to the exhibition "Antonio Fontanesi e la sua eredità" (by teachers and students of the Liceo Classico-Scientifico "Ariosto-Spallanzani" and the Musei Civici of Reggio Emilia);

6.00 pm Biblioteca dei Paolotti – University of Parma (Strada Massimo D'Azeglio, 85 - 43125 Parma), reading of texts with musical interludes, by teachers, PhD students and students of the University of Parma and High Schools (Gimnasium) "G.D. Romagnosi” of Parma, “Ariosto-Spallanzani ”of Reggio Emilia and “B. Russell” of Guastalla (RE).

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