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CALL. 05.06.2019: Relevance of the ancient world: Contrasting models and transformations - Bologna (



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Carla Salvaterra; Beatrice Girotti; Christian Raschle

INFO: web -;;


Within the special workshop the international scientific commettee of the Joint Lab will advice and train graduate students on elaboration of an international research career with special emphasis on – but not limited to - the collaboration between UNIBO and UdeM and within the framework agreement among UNIBO, UdeM, UCBerkeley, City University of New York.

Selected applicants who are not enrolled in the University of Bologna will be granted hospitality in Bologna for June 12th in order to be able to participate in the Workshop. Reimbursement for travel is not foreseen at the moment but a small contribution may be granted to the first selected applicants up to 500 Euros.

Rules for application: MA students Interested MA students are invited to submit a pre-proposal of a MA/ PhD research project which could be carried out at UNIBO or UdeM or a third Institution including a compulsory mobility period at one of the involved institutions. Research topics should address the broad area of: Relevance of the ancient world: Contrasting models and transformations. We are particularly interested in discussing draft research projects addressing, on the one hand, the study of intercultural exchanges (connection, hybridization, conflict) among the Mediterranean and other areas of Asia, Africa, Europe.

On the other hand, we welcome study proposal on identities, alterities and differences within the social structures, the study of socio-economic and power inequalities, cultural approaches to building of collective identities in the ancient period (800 BCE-800 CE). Attention to processes of environmental transformation, spaces of interconnection and critical periodisation as e.g. Hellenism or Late Antiquity will be of special interest. Draft projects could also encompasse research into other historical periods and settings, which relate to the ancient world through reception/heritage/contrast of models or other kind of connection. A significant comparative approach between different historical contexts of the ancient world is of potential interest as well. Draft research Projects should be primarily aimed at developing a MA thesis and/or a future application for PhD programmes offered by the participating Institutions. Draft research projects need to include and integrate in the research proposal one or two mobility periods.

Within the workshop professors from the graduate schools of UNIBO and UdEM and guests from other distinguished Institutions will discuss the research proposal and will give advice for improvement and feasibility of the candidate applications.

Rules for application: PhD Candidates Interested PhD candidates are invited to submit one post-doc research project which could be carried out at UNIBO with special reference to a potential development for funding within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions individual fellowship grant projects<> or at UdeM with special reference to a potential development for funding within a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships.

Deadline and contacts Interested applicants should send their research project by June 5th 2019 by e-mail at the addresses:

Selection Selection of the most interesting proposals by MA students and PhD candidates will be carried out by an International review committee.

All selected students /PhD candidates will: -­‐ receive a feedback on their project by the international review committee; -­‐ Post-doc proposal may be granted dedicated assistance to be implemented as a grant application for MSCA funding; -­‐ the first five selected students/candidates beside receiving feedback by the international review committee will be invited to take place in the workshop. Selected applicants who are not enrolled in the University of Bologna will be granted hospitality in Bologna for June 13th. Reimbursment for travel is not foreseen but a small contribution may be granted to the first selected applicants up to 500 Euros. All applicants will receive information about selection results by June 7th 2019.

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