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CALL. 28.06.2019: 'Becoming' and the Roman World - Durham (England)



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Peter Donnelly; Simona Martorana; Esther Meijer; Sophie Ngan (Durham University); Sara Borello (Newcastle University).

INFO: call -


Change and transformation occupied daily life in the Roman world on many different levels, from the repeated adjustment of imperial boundaries and political shifts in government to semantic shifts and changing fashions in dress and hairstyle. Unsurprisingly, then, the concepts of transformation, change, and metamorphosis have found various expressions in Roman culture and literature. Such transformations have been studied extensively through a variety of methodological lenses, such as gender studies, genre studies, and reception studies. Recent interest in the concept of liminality provides a means for focusing on the process of transformation itself.

This conference will explore the transitional phase(s) of transformation, or, in other words: processes of ‘becoming’. It aims to discuss how different kinds of change were experienced, conceived of, and explored in the Roman world, and how modern perceptions and engagement with the Roman world have changed.

We aspire to bring together an interdisciplinary community of scholars, in order to make progress towards a fuller understanding of change and metamorphosis in the Roman world. We invite proposals from subjects including - but not limited to – history, art and archaeology, literature, architecture, reception studies and philosophy; and we are especially keen to welcome doctoral students and ECRs.

We welcome proposals for 20 minute papers. Some suggested interpretations include:

· ‘Becoming’ and the navigation and performance of gender and adulthood, e.g. rites of passage and the transformation from child to adult;

· ‘Becoming’ and identities in the Roman world, e.g. the development and transformation of identities throughout time, changing conceptions of “the other”, or philosophical approaches to identity and selfhood;

· ‘Becoming’ in urban spaces and ‘becoming’ in and of landscapes more broadly, e.g. transformations of the cityscape, construction work and its effects on urban life and environment;

· ‘Becoming’ a text, story or topos across literature and material culture, e.g. the development and/or reception of written texts, genres, stories, or characters throughout time;

· ​‘Becoming’ Classics and ‘becoming’ evidence, e.g. changes in methodology, the physical changes undergone by evidence, and changing relationships with and reception of evidence.

Confirmed keynote speaker: Dr Alexander Kirichenko (Humboldt Universität, Berlin)

If you would like to present a paper at this conference, please send an abstract of up to 300 words to before 5pm (GMT+1) on Friday 28 June. Thanks to generous contributions from our sponsors, the Northern Bridge Consortium and the Department of Classics and Ancient History (Durham University), there will be no conference fee. Lunch, coffee breaks, and a conference dinner will be provided. Additionally, there is a limited number of travel bursaries available: please indicate in your submission whether you would like to apply for a travel bursary. Applicants will be selected and notified in early July.

NB. We are committed to making the event as inclusive as possible, so please do get in touch directly with the organisers via if you have any enquiries regarding access, and for any further information.

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