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New Classicists Conference - 07/12/2019, London (England)

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for our inaugural postgraduate conference series. The theme for this conference will be Collaboration and/or New Techniques in the Classics.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 07/12/2019


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0930 Welcome

0940 Guest Speaker: Dr Abigail Graham (ICS) - Carrying the past into the future: The role of the Ephebes in Salutaris' procession at Ephesus

1020 Paul Kelly (KCL) - Risk and return in Roman Egypt

1055 Break

1110 Konstantin Schulz (HU Berlin) - CALLIDUS: A database of exercises for learning Latin

1145 Benjamin Wilck (HU Berlin) - Hidden messages in Greek mathematics: Results of a statistical analysis of linguistic regularities in Euclid's Elements

1230 Lunch & Poster Presentations

1340 Giulia Frigerio (Kent) - The impact of the laurel on Apolline divination: Affecting the mind without the use of drugs

1415 Noga Erez-Yodfat (Ben-Gurion) - Senses and the embodied mind of the mystes in ancient mystery cults

1450 Mark McCahill (Glasgow) - The ancient senses and Roman ritual: Considering imagines as memory objects in an interdisciplinary context

1525 Break

1540 Greg Gilles (KCL) – Fulvia and Octavia: How social networks can aid us in identifying female agency

1615 Vivienne McGlashan (Bristol) - The Bacchants are silent: Applying cognitive approaches to explore ritual maenadism

1650 Nathalie Choubineh (Reading) - Kinetography: A methodological framework for reading kinetic motifs in the Greek vase-painting

1730 Drinks Reception

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