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The Greeks and the Irrational - 09/07/2019, London (England)

In Classics, the cultural-critical dimension of conceptualizing the rational/irrational binary is most clearly visible in the history of scholarship on ancient Greek drama. There are numerous case scenarios : the irrational could be attributed to women (hysterical/ uncontrolled); or to enslaved men, whose personal integrity becomes undermined by rhetorics tactics of unwanted feminization; or again to non-Greeks, ridiculed through portrayals of outsize sexual appetites, or impulsive behaviour and ideas more generally.

In sum, discourses that contrast the perceived foreignness of irrational thought against the relatability of logical thinking are apt to expose xenophobic, classist, misogynist, ablist, or racist undercurrents of an argument. This conference is intended to unpack these undercurrents, taking the rational/irrational binary and Dodds' classic work as our entry point. The aim is to sharpen critical focus on our field's received scholarly and intellectual legacies.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 09/07/2019


INFO: web - -



Confirmed speakers :

Nick Lowe (RHUL)

Ella Haselwerdt (Cornell)

Francesca Spiegel (Humboldt, Berlin)

Martin Devecka (UC Santa Cruz)

Maria Gerolemou (Exeter)

Giulia Maria Chesi (Humboldt, Berlin)

Katherine Fleming (QMUL)

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