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Greek Onomastics: East of the Mediterranean Naming and Culture in the Roman Near East and the Greek

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28-29/06/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Ted Kaizer ;Robert Parker ; Jean-Baptiste Yon



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Friday 28 June

9.30am Welcome

10am Kathryn Stevens (Durham University)

Greek Names in Hellenistic Babylonia

11am tea & coffee

11.30am Jan Tavernier (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

Greek Names in Iran. Some Thoughts

12.30pm lunch

2pm Pierre-Louis Gatier (Maison de l’Orient, Lyon)

The Onomastics of the Ruling Elites in the Hellenistic Cities of Northern Syria

3pm Charles Crowther (The Queen’s College, Oxford) & Margherita Facella (Università di Pisa)

From Antiochus to Abraham: Personal Names and Ethnic Groups in (Northern) Commagene

4pm tea & coffee

4.30pm Tal Ilan (Freie Universität Berlin)

A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names and a Lexicon of Jewish Names: Two Name-Corpora; Two Concepts

5.30pm drinks reception

Saturday 29 June

10am Julien Aliquot (Maison de l’Orient, Lyon)

Greek Onomastics in Berytus

11am tea & coffee

11.30am Jean-Sébastien Balzat (LGPN, Oxford)

What’s in a Cognomen? Typology of Cognomina in the Roman East

12.30pm lunch

2pm Nathanael Andrade (Binghamton University)

What’s in a Double Name in the Roman Near East?

3pm Jean-Baptiste Yon (Maison de l’Orient, Lyon)

The End of Pagan Onomastics. The Christianization of Personal Names in Late Roman Syria

4pm tea & coffee

4.30pm Michael Zellmann-Rohrer (LGPN, Oxford)

Considerations for the Study of Syriac Onomastics

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