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Egypt's Heartland: Regional Perspectives on Hierakonpolis, Elkab and Edfu - 18-19/07/2019, Oxfor

The sites of Hierakonpolis, Elkab and Edfu exerted profound political, religious and artistic influence on ancient Egyptian civilization. This one day colloquium presents the results of current archaeological fieldwork, exploring why this region was such a powerful force in Egypt’s heartland.



INFO: web -


Thursday July 18, 2019

9:00-10:00 Registration: Nissan Auditorium, St Antony’s College

10:00–12:30 Morning session Richard Parkinson: Welcome and introduction

Renée Friedman: Beverages of power: the contribution of Hierakonpolis

Wouter Claes: The settlement of Elkab: results of recent fieldwork

Liam McNamara: ‘Holy rubbish’? Human statuettes from the Hierakonpolis Main Deposit

Vivian Davies: Elkab and Hierakonpolis: tombs of the Second Intermediate Period and the artist Sedjemnetjeru

Aaron De Souza: Nubians, Nubians everywhere!

12:30–2:00 Lunch (make own arrangements)

2:00–5:00 Afternoon session

Greg Marouad: Preliminary results from the newly discovered early New Kingdom elite quarter at Tell Edfu

Susanne Woodhouse: The figural graffiti of Tomb 3 in Hagr Edfu

Rob Demarée: Pious visitors, tourists or vandals?

Ellen Jones: Family portraits: exploring the representation of female relatives in the Elkab necropolis

Jordan Miller: Composite snakes in second millennium iconographies: Amduat, apotropaic wands, and the Book of Two Ways

Luigi Prada: Late and Graeco-Roman graffiti at Elkab: ‘informal writings’ contributing to the history of a site

Luigi Prada and Susanne Woodhouse: A tomb from the reign of Ptolemy III in the main necropolis of Elkab

6:00 Doors open at Ashmolean Museum

6:30–7:30 Special Evening Lecture, Randolph Sculpture Gallery, Ashmolean Museum

Dr Nadine Moeller, Director of Tell Edfu Project, University of Chicago

New insights into relations between center and periphery: the evolution of the administrative quarter at Edfu

from the Old Kingdom to the Second Intermediate Period

7:30–9:00 Reception, Atrium and Galleries for Ancient Egypt and Sudan, Ashmolean Museum

Friday July 19, 2019

10:00–12:30 Additional activities including small group tours of the Griffith Institute Archives, the Peet Egyptological Library at the Queen’s College, the Sackler Library Rare Books Room and object handling sessions in the Ashmolean Museum (choice of two activities, sign-up at colloquium registration).

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