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Gramsci Research Network Meetng #2: two seminars and a book launch - 09/07/2019, London (England)

FECHA /DATE/DATA: 09/07/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Andrea Avalli; Michele Bellomo; Anna Maria Cimino; Roberto Ciucciové; Simone Mucci; Dario Nappo; Eugenia Vitello; Emilio Zucchetti.

INFO: Facebook -



9.30 - 10 AM: Registration and introduction .

10 – 12.30 PM: Organisational aspects.

1. Discussion of topics of interest and future planning on how to keep the project going.

2. Funding: How are we doing? Shall we start planning the work towards a grant application?

3. Dissemination and public events: how are we doing? What have we planned? what could be done in the

near future? Planning for 2020/2021.

4. Structure and Roles: even if we still are an informal network, some roles would help the organizational process.

12.30 - 2 PM: Lunch break.

2 – 3.30 PM: Seminars:

  • Dario Nappo (University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy), (Late) Antiquity in Gramsci: Between Crisis and Longue-Durée.

  • Francesca Antonini (ENS de Lyon, France), Sources, Publications, Research Themes: Past, Present and Future of Gramsci Scholarship (with an Appendix on Gramsci and Caesarism).

3.30 – 4 PM: Break.

4 PM: Book presentation (with the author): Erminio Fonzo (University of Salerno, Italy), Il mondo antico negli scritti di Antonio Gramsci.

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