Cultic, Material and Textual Aspects of the Vow in the Ancient World (International Workshop) - 25-
Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts.
FECHA /DATE/DATA: 25-26/07/2019
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: 3rd Floor, Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des DAI (München, Germany)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Cristina Girardi; Caterina Stripeikis; Silvia Tantimonaco
Thursday, 25 July 2019
14.00 Greetings (Christof Schuler) Introduction (Cristina Girardi, Caterina Stripeikis, Silvia Tantimonaco)
Session I: Greek World 14.30 Andreas Schwab (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) Eine folgenreiche Verpflichtung zwischen
Arabern und Persern in Herodots Historien
15.15 Caterina Stripeikis (Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik München – University of Buenos
Aires) Traces of the vowing process in Pindaric epikinia?: a comparison with the epigraphic evidence from
Archaic and Classical Periods
16.00 Coffee Break
16.30 Jenny Högström Berntson (University of Gothenburg) To reach the unreachable: votive giving and its
implications 17.15 Laura Aho (University of Helsinki) Expressing and implying motives for votive offerings
Friday, 26 July 2019
Session II: Roman and Pre-Roman World
9.00 Ulrike Ehmig (Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin) Lateinische Votivinschriften: erste
systematische Zugänge und Fallstudien 9.45 Silvia Tantimonaco (Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest)
Between funerary and votive: on some “hybrid” inscriptions in Latin 10.30 Coffee Break 11.00 María José Estarán Tolosa (University of Zaragoza) Translating the uotum. The religious epigraphic
formula in Pre-Roman and Latin inscriptions 11.45 Cristina Girardi (Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik München – University of Padova &
University of Zaragoza) Communicating with plural deities in pre-Roman and Roman times: inscribed
“votive” objects 12.30 Final Discussion