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CALL. 31.01.2020: What more can we say about Seneca? - Lisbon (Portugal)

The Centre for Classical Studies of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon is organizing an International Conference on Seneca to promote and encourage a critical reflection on the permanence of themes, values, perspectives and representations of Seneca’s works in Western literature and culture.

The Conference will take place between 14-17 December 2020, and, through the interdisciplinary debate of the contribution given by the experiences of researchers from different fields of study, it aims:

- to determine how Seneca became one of the most prominent figures in Western culture;

- to consider, examine and reflect on our current knowledge about Seneca, his life and works;

- to explore new study angles and what remains to be said about Seneca in the Twenty-First Century, in light of the renewed interest shown in his works.



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Ricardo Duarte ; Cristina Pimentel ; Nuno Simões Rodrigues ; Ana Matafome ; Maria Luísa Resende ; Rui Carlos Fonseca

INFO: web -


Confirmed Keynote Speakers

António Pedro Mesquita (University of Lisbon)

Alessandro Schiesaro (University of Manchester)

Catharine Edwards (University of Cambridge)

Gareth David Williams (Columbia University)

Chiara Torre (University of Milan)

Jean-Christophe Courtil (University of Toulouse)

Jesús Luque Moreno (University of Granada)

José Pedro Serra (University of Lisbon)

Martha Nussbaum (University of Chicago)

Paulo Sérgio Ferreira (University of Coimbra)


Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

– Seneca and Corduba

– Seneca and Roma

– Seneca and politics

– Seneca and philosophy

– Seneca and literature

– Seneca and religion

– Seneca and myth

The Conference will include plenary lectures by Keynote Speakers and thematic sessions for registered delegates.

The working language is English.

We welcome:

- individual proposals for a 20-minute paper (up to 250 words);

- joint proposals for thematic panels consisting of 3 papers (up to 250 words per paper).

Please include the following information in your proposal:

- the full title of your paper/of your panel and respective papers;

- abstract (up to 250 words per paper);

- a short biographical note (up to 100 words).

All paper proposals will be peer-reviewed.

• Deadline for proposals: January 31, 2020

• Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2020

• Please submit your proposal by e-mail:


- Registration fee: 140 Euros

- Masters or PhD candidates fee: 90 Euros

- Attendees fee: 25 Euros

• Deadline for the registration payment: April 30, 2020.

The registration fees include refreshments during coffee breaks, Conference materials and certificate of attendance.

All speakers are responsible for their own travel arrangements and accommodation. Relevant information about Lisbon and hotels will be provided in due course.

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