14th Trends in Classics International Conference: Historical Linguistics and Classical Philology - 1

The debate is long-standing and well alive today. The conference revisits this relation aspiring to address its various aspects and ramifications, investigate the wide range of applications of the linguistic method in the philological analysis of classical texts, as well as explore new venues of the contacts between the two disciplines and try to further this collaboration into areas mutually beneficial to both fields. In this spirit, the participants are asked to contribute studies showing new results that can be reached and that open new perspectives in the present-day research using the tools and methods of historical linguistics applied to the temporal span, the geographical area and the languages that are of interest to today’s classical philology understood in a broad sense as the knowledge of classical antiquity.
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 16-17-18/10/2020
Due to COVID-19 problems, it is with deep regret that the Department of Classics of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki & the Departamento de Filología Clásica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid announce the postponement of the 14thTrends in Classics Conference on “Historical Linguistics and Classical Philology”, originally set to take place in Thessaloniki from 22 to 24 May 2020. The event has been rescheduled for 16-18 October 2020 in the same location and venue
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Auditorium 1, Aristotle University Research Dissemination Center (Thessaloniki, Greece)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Georgios K. Giannakis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki); Emilio Crespo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid/Fundación Pastor); Jesús de la Villa (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); Stavros Frangoulidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki); Antonios Rengakos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/Academy of Athens).
INFO: web - ggianak@lit.auth.gr
Bela Adamik (Budapest)
Rutger J. Allan (Amsterdam)
Egbert Bakker (Yale)
Marina Benedetti (Siena)
Klaas Bentein (Ghent)
Anna Bonifazi (Cologne)
Albio Cesare Cassio (Rome)
James Clackson (Cambridge)
Luz Conti (Madrid)
Emilio Crespo (Madrid)
Pierluigi Cuzzolin (Bergamo)
Silvia Ferrara (Bologna)
Panagiotis Filos (Ioannina)
Giovanbatista Galdi (Ghent)
Georgios K. Giannakis (Thessaloniki)
Mark Janse (Ghent)
Brian Joseph (Ohio)
Sara Kaczko (Rome)
Evangelos Karakasis (Ioannina)
Joshua Katz (Princeton)
Daniel Kölligan (Cologne)
David Langslow (Manchester)
Io Manolessou (Athens)
Wolfgang de Melo (Oxford)
Julian Méndez Dosuna (Salamanca)
Piera Molinelli (Bergamo)
Lara Pagani (Genova)
Harm Pinkster (Amsterdam)
Paolo Poccetti (Rome)
Wojciech Sowa (Cracow)
Olga Spevak (Toulouse)
María Esperanza Torrego (Madrid)
Maria Vierros (Helsinki)
Jesús de la Villa (Madrid)
Andreas Willi (Oxford)