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Ancient Religion in Rural Settlements (XVIII International ARYS Conference) -01-02-03/06/2020, Jaran

As lived spaces, ancient cities conditioned and were conditioned by very specific social relationships. As suggested by Emiliano Urciuoli, ‘citification’ of religion represented a phenomenon pressing religious actors to “adopt and adapt city features”, to “engage with the socio-spatial conditions of city life”, including appropriating city-spaces, localising or de-localising religious practices, providing specific infrastructures in order to attract, collect and host crowds of people (theatres, for example), facilitating processes of ‘intellectualisation’ of religion, authorship, and, more generally, competition.

FECHA /DATE/DATA: 01-02-03/06/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Association ARYS (Antiquity, Religions and Societies) ; Julio Caro Baroja Institute of Historiography (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid); Jaime Alvar Ezquerra (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid); Juan Ramón Carbó García (Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia); Valentino Gasparini (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid); Beatriz Pañeda Murcia (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid).

INFO: PDF [EN] - PDF [ESP] - web -


* € 100: incluye alojamiento 2 noches con pensión completa + certificado de asistencia / comunicación + separata digital de la publicación propia (sujeta a evaluación por pares) / including full-board accommodation for 2 nights + certificates of attendance / communication + digital excerpt of the publication (subject to peer evaluation)/ incluso alloggio in pensione completa per 2 notti + certificati di frequenza / comunicazione + estratto digitale della pubblicazione (soggetto a valutazione inter pares)

* € 120: incluye alojamiento 2 noches con pensión completa + certificado de asistencia / comunicación + revista ARYS nº 19, 2021, resultante del congreso + separata digital de la publicación propia (sujeta a evaluación por pares) / including full-board accommodation for 2 nights + certificates of attendance / communication + n° 1 copy of ARYS Journal (n° 19, 2021) with the acts of the congress + digital excerpt of the publication (subject to peer evaluation)/ comunicazione + n ° 1 copia dell'ARYS Journal (n ° 19, 2021) con gli atti del congresso + estratto digitale della pubblicazione (soggetto a valutazione inter pares).

La asociación ARYS ofrece tres becas para cubrir los gastos de alojamiento y manutención de investigadores desempleados o con precarias condiciones laborales / In order to cover the costs of accommodation and maintenance, the organization will offer three scholarships for unemployed or in precarious labor conditions researchers / Al fine di coprire i costi di alloggio e manutenzione, l'organizzazione offrirà tre borse di studio a ricercatori disoccupati o in condizioni di lavoro precarie.


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