Calling upon Gods, Offering Bodies: Strategies of Human-Divine Communication in the Roman Empire fro

The Department of Historical Science at the University of Málaga and the Institute of Historiography “Julio Caro Baroja” at the University of Carlos III of Madrid are organizing an international conference titled “Calling upon gods, offering bodies. Strategies of human-divine communication in the Roman Empire from individual experience to social reproduction”. Researchers of Ancient History, History of Religion, Archaeology, Anthropology, Classics, and other related fields are invited to present their research on this topic. The conference aims at analysing how self-experience of religious communication becomes a reflexive phenomenon reproduced in time and space to constitute a collectively shared narrative. While human agency has been a paramount concept in recent scholarship of religions in the classical world, the conference organizers invite the participants to direct their attention to the processes of social reproduction that validate individual experience. On the one hand, though human agency (understood as accountable action) is a useful heuristic category for functionalist thought, it tends to evade the temporal dimension, as it mostly highlights a specific action set in a particular moment and place. On the other hand, a diachronic analysis of religious phenomena creates the illusion of a linear, sequential process of progressive ‘movements’. Following Anthony Giddens’ remarks on the importance of embedding social systems in time and space, the success of social action is found in its subsequent replication over time, modelling routinised actions.
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 20-21-22/05/2019
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Universidad de Málaga (Málaga, Spain)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Clelia Martínez Maza (Universidad de Málaga); Antón Alvar Nuño (Universidad de Málaga) Jaime Alvar Ezquerra (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid); Valentino Gasparini (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)