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Rape, Revenge and Transformation: Tereus Through the Ages - 07/12/2019, Roehampton (England)

The story of Tereus preoccupied major authors in classical antiquity. References to it date back to the Homeric poems and the myth was addressed by renowned dramatists, such as Aeschylus, Sophocles and Accius, before being adapted by Ovid. These different versions raise questions about the reconstruction of the myth and representation of women, family violence, and taboos, such as rape and paidophagia

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 07/12/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Alessandra Abbattista (independent scholar) ; Chiara Blanco (University of Cambridge) Maria Haley (University of Manchester) Giacomo Savani (University College Dublin)




10.00–10.20 Registration with coffee

10.20–10.30 Welcome and opening

10.30–11.15 Patrick Finglass (Bristol): The Voice of the Papyrus: Procne and the Shepherd on P.Oxy. 5292

11.15–11.30 Break + posters

11.30–12.15 Lyndsay Coo (Bristol): Complex Sisterhood in the Tereus Myth

12.15–13.00 Fiona McHardy (Roehampton): ‘ζηλοτυπ[ίᾳ ......] οἰστρηθει̃σα’: Sexual Jealousy in Sophocles’ Tereus

13.00–14.00 Lunch

14.00–14.45 Gesine Manuwald (UCL): The Myth in Early Roman Drama

14.45–15.15 Break + posters

15.15–15.45 Daniela Milo (Napoli): Passion, Knowledge and Truth: Second Thoughts on Sophocles’ Tereus

15.45–16.45 Sabrina Mancuso (Tübingen): Signs or Letters? – Reflections on the Meaning of κερκίδος φωνή in Sophocles’ Tereus (fr. 595 Radt) Peter Olive (Royal Holloway): Tereus and taboo: 'incest of the second type'? Tommaso Ricchieri (Padova): Verres as Tereus in the Lampsacus Episode of Ciceroʼs Verrines (2.1.62-85) Posters: Martina Delucchi (Bristol): Iconographical Evidence and Staging Opportunities: Sophocles’ Tereus

Georgia Panou (Edinburgh): ‘Intus habes quem poscis’: The Child in the Cauldron and Ovid's Version of Tereus’ Myth

16.45–17.00 Closing remarks and Final Discussion

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