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The world in your hand. New directions in numismatic research - 03/04/2020 (Online)

Coins, banknotes, tokens and other forms of money are often portable objects that can be held in the hand; indeed modern day medallic artists tell us that these objects are designed to be held in the hand. But although small and at times unassuming, these media carry and convey an extraordinary array of information; by holding a coin in your hand one might argue you are holding your world.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 03/04/2020


In response to the situation caused by the Coronavirus, we have moved the forthcoming conference, 'The World in Your Hand: New Directions in Numismatic Research' online (using Zoom)


INFO: web -


Registration is still available should people wish to attend virtually. All times are GMT, London (UK), daylight savings time. Aattendees will receive a Zoom link and further guidelines after this date. More information and the registration form is available at


9.15-9.30: Log on and welcome.

Session 1: The Roman World

9.30-9.55: Charlotte Mann (University of Warwick and Macquarie University). A ‘Model of Liberality’: Military Patronage and Imperial Power Under Antoninus Pius.

9.55-10.20: Mareile gr. Beilage (University of Mannheim). Imperator and Emperor. Personalized denarii for Roman Britain?

10.20-10.45: Mali Skotheim (Warburg Institute). The Male Athletic Body on Roman Imperial Festival Coinage.

10.45-11.00am: Break

11.00-11.25am: Bridget McClean (La Trobe University). The Reclining Herakles on Stater Types of Herakleia (Magna Graecia).

11.25-11.50: Cristian Mondello (University of Warwick). Shaping creeds and identity in early Christian iconography: the role and meaning of late Roman tesserae.

11.50-12.00pm: Break


12.00-12.45: Prof. Fleur Kemmers (Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main). Money as Mediator: Systems of Value in Colonial Contexts

Introduced by Charlotte Mann.

12.45-1.15pm: Lunch Break.

Session 2: Greece and the Hellenistic World

1.15 – 1.40pm: Olivia Denk (University of Basel). Imaging Hellenistic Astronomy on Coins: Rethinking the Coinage of Ouranopolis.

1.40-2.05pm: Ruben Post (University of Pennsylvania). Coinage, Balance Weights, and Economic Alignment in the 3rd-2nd c. BC Achaian and Aitolian Leagues.

2.05-2.30pm: Daniel Etches (Oxford). Coinage, Sanctuary, and Identity in Late Classical and Hellenistic Epirus.

2.30-2.55pm: Rosanagh Mack (University of Reading). Thessalian identity and the horse: the bronze coinage of the fourth century B.C.

2.55-3.10pm: Break

Session 3: Money Over Time

3.10-3.35pm: Alessandro Bona (Universities of Warwick and Milan). Numismatics, Archaeology and Contexts: Coin Finds From Excavations of the Courtyards of the Catholic University of Milan.

3.35-4.00pm: Matthias Kalisch (University of Tübingen). How to compare Greek Sanctuary Coin Finds. A methodical approach.

4.00-4.25pm: Liam Fitzgerald (British Museum). Ars sine scientia nihil est: The integration and appropriation of specific classical numismatic iconography in late 18th and 19th century scientific prize medal art.

4.25-4.50pm: Christopher Whittell (University of Cambridge). The New Roman Empire: Roman coinage and the reinvention in the portrayal of the British monarchy on its coins and medals, during the Restoration and long eighteenth century.

4.50-5pm: Farewell and thanks!

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