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BANEA 2020: "Critical Debates in the Archaeology of the Middle East" - 09-10-11/01/2020,

The University of Oxford is proud to host the annual meeting of the British Association of Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA). The event will take place on 9–11 January 2020 in the Ashmolean Museum and nearby college venues. The conference is organized around the theme ‘Critical Debates in the Archaeology of the Middle East’. Aligning with this theme we have organized two plenary panel discussions

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 09-10/11/01/2020

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: British Association of Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA)

INFO: web -


-Estándar(tres días)/standard(three days)/standard (tre giorni): £60

-Estándar(un día)/standard(one day)/standard (un giorno): £40

-Estudiantes y desempleados (tres días)/ students and unwaged (three days)/ studenti e disoccupati(tre giorni): £30

--Estudiantes y desempleados (un día)/ students and unwaged (one day)/ studenti e disoccupati (un giorno): £20


The organizers of the BANEA 2020 conference in Oxford are pleased to announce student travel grants to support travel to the conference.

Deadline: 02/12/2019


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