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International Doctoral Conference “Dall’ombre al chiaro lume. The Enigma and its declensions in Lite

The International Doctoral Conference at the University of Padua is an interdisciplinary and bilingual forum which takes place every year. This year the conference is open to PhD students, researchers and scholars interested in the topic of literary and linguistic enigmas from a broader historical and socio-cultural perspective.

This year’s conference grounds its interest in the enigma in the acknowledgment of two opposite forces, in both every-day and literary language, which drive written and oral communication: one of them aims at clarity and straightforwardness, the other at obscurity and ambiguity. These two tensions cause different formal approaches even in relation to the same discourse referent.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 21-22/05/2020

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Litterari

INFO: web (soon online) -



The Conference will host the following keynote speakers:

Stefano Bartezzaghi (IULM)

Federico Bertoni (Università di Bologna)

Salvatore Monda (Università del Molise)

Christelle Reggiani (Sorbonne Université)

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