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CALL. 30.12.2019: Schemata - The city beyond its shape - Siracusa (Italy)




ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: L. Caliò (Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche, Università degli Studi di Catania); E. Pappalardo (Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, Università degli Studi di Catania); C. Rescigno (Dipartimento di Lettere e Beni Culturali. Università della Campania); S. Todaro, (Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche, Università degli Studi di Catania)


The analysis of urbanization in the ancient Mediterranean has traditionally been conditioned by the dichotomy between the tangible city and the political city, the first tackled by archaeologists, the second by historians. The situation has certainly been complicated by a certain tendency to look at prehistoric, protohistoric and archaic experiences through the lens of the classical period, which in its own terms has been affected by a rather stereotyped vision of the Greek polis.

On this occasion we propose to approach urbanization from a long-duree perspective, convinced that urban landscapes should be understood as the result of a long process that originated in the pre-classical world, and resulted in the different experiences documented in the Mediterranean during the I millennium BC. Particular importance will be given to the material aspects of the city, i.e. architecture, productive models, settlement forms and sacred and public places, which originated and developed in symbiosis with the environment.

Particularly welcome are contributions that address how the organization and shape of the settled landscape are linked to the relevant historical and anthropological contexts, but also to wider phenomena of adaptation to climatic and geomorphological conditions and to the ability of creating networks of the societies that developed in the ancient Mediterranean.


The Conference is organised in sessions divided into two macro-areas:

A) The city in the Mediterranean world

Research on pre-classical settlement experiences carried out in recent years has revealed significant elements for understanding the development of the city as a material, political and social phenomenon. A reflection on the city beyond its shape is possible through the lens provided by archaeology, architecture, urban planning and topography, which allow a new image of settled landscape to emerge. The urban world in the Mediterranean in the pre-classical period (late 4th - first half of the 1st millennium BC) stands out as an ideal laboratory in which the “city” can be analysed through the results of the research carried out in the micro-regions that comprise it. The following sessions have been identified:

1) The city in the Ancient Near East

2) The city In Crete

3) The city in Greece

4) The city in the central western Mediterranean

5) The city in the Italian peninsula

6) The city in Sicily

7) The city in the Phoenician-Punic world

8) The city in Cyprus

B) The function of urban landscapes

New research perspectives on the city beyond its shape also derive from the reconsideration of the relationships that bind it to the surrounding territory, i.e. the rural hinterland, the coast and the sea. A new analysis of the functions of the urban landscape is based on the understanding of an ancient city’s development as a dialectic between different but complementary entities: the settlement is never an isolated actor on the stage, but constitutes the focal point of the religious, economic and political dynamics and social environment that it structures into an urban landscape:

9) The city and the countryside

10) The city and the fortification walls

11) The city and the production processes

12) The city and the sea

13) The city and the sacred sphere

Oral presentations should last no longer than 20 minutes; guidelines for posters will be announced shortly. Questions from the audience and a more general discussion on each topic should be included at the end of each session.

The official conference languages are: English, Italian, French, German.

Call for Papers Paper proposals can only be submitted by email to

Paper proposals should include the following information:

- Title of the session

- Name, affiliation, postal address, email of the proposer(s)

- Title of the paper

- A short abstract of paper (should not exceed 400 words)

Conference Fees

Registration fee for speakers is as follows:

- € 80 (Faculty member, full or associate Professors)

- € 40 (Researchers, Fellow Researchers, Post Doctorates, PhD Students)

- € 30 price for Poster Session (for every category of scholars)

Registration fee includes:

- Admission to all Conference sessions

- Conference material including the programme booklet

- Conference coffees and welcome cocktail

- Certificate of Attendance

The Conference dinner will be held on the last day of the Conference (28 February 2020). If you intend to participate, please fill in the registration form by 30th January 2020. The price for the dinner is € 25.

Terms of payment

Registration fee must be paid by 30th January 2019, by wire transfer (IBAN account to be announced).

Important dates:

- 30th December 2019: deadline for paper proposals submission.

- 30th January 2019: deadline for authors’ registration and payment of the registration fee.

- 26-28th February 2020: International Conference BCS 2020.

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