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CALL. 15.12.2019: Teaching Conflict Resolution from Antiquity to the Present - Manaus (Brazil)

The theme of this workshop, which follows on from two previous events in Bogotá (April 2020) and London (July 2020), is ‘The Pedagogy of Conflict Resolution’. Hence, participants might choose to present accounts of existing projects integrating the Classics and conflict resolution outreach or develop plans for future programmes combining these subjects. Participants may also wish to explore how educators can mitigate the emotional impact of potentially sensitive classroom discussions on violence and war or even approach the workshop’s theme from an ancient history perspective by exploring how the ancients addressed subjects such as warfare and peacekeeping when educating youths. We also encourage speakers to examine how conflict resolution structures found in both ancient and modern literature might be practically implemented within Brazil and Colombia. Possible case studies include a region-specific reworking of Shay’s (1994) report, which compares post-traumatic stress disorder in Vietnam War veterans to Achilles’ emotional state in the Iliad.




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We welcome proposals of no more than 300 words for 30-minute papers to be presented at this workshop, which will take place as part of the 3rd Semana Internacional de Estudos Clássicos do Amazonas (SECLAM); for information on previous iterations of this conference, see

The key questions to be answered during this exploration are: How can we, as educators, best implement Classics-related modules on conflict resolution for students at the secondary and tertiary level? What are the lessons to be learnt from initiatives – both successful and unsuccessful, and ancient as well as modern – which center upon introducing conflict-affected populations to the Classics? How can the knowledge accumulated throughout this project be used to improve the pedagogical materials which we have designed for use in schools? Contact Information Please send all queries and abstracts to the Principal Investigator, Dr. Martin Dinter ( Please note that all participants will require proof of yellow fever vaccination in order to travel to Manaus. Further information relating to this workshop series can be found online at our project site: Confirmed Speakers Gemma Bernadó Ferrer, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá (Colombia) Emma Buckley, St. Andrews (UK) Paula da Cunha Correa, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil) Gilson Charles dos Santos, Universidade de Brasília (Brazil) Ronald Forero Álvarez, Universidad de La Sabana (Colombia) Astrid Khoo, Harvard University (USA) Rebecca Langlands, University of Exeter (UK) Andrea Lozano Vásquez, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá (Colombia) Anni Marcelli Santos de Jesus, PUC-MG/UniNorte (Brazil) Marcos Martinho, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil) Charlene Miotti, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Brazil) Sara Monoson, Northwestern University (USA) Ana Filipa Patinha Prata, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá (Colombia) Leni Ribeiro Leite, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Brazil) Kathryn Tempest, University of Roehampton (UK) Rodrigo Verano, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) David Whetham, King’ College London (UK) Project Summary The AHRC Research Networking project ‘Conflict Resolution through Classical Literature’ forms connections between academic research in Classics and War Studies and peace-building education in two Latin American target countries: Brazil and Colombia. The project is characterized by its double aim of research and outreach. In three workshops – Bogota (April 2019), London (July 2019), and Manaus (June 2020) –participating scholars will produce new research on how Classical literature communicates and showcases conflict resolution skills, and develop ways of employing Classical literature in communicating these skills to conflict-affected youth. In so doing, they will examine ancient models of conflict resolution and map these onto the current political situation in Colombia and Brazil. In addition, they will evaluate how the Classics have historically informed pedagogical initiatives in these countries and devise ways in which ancient literature can continue to enhance peace-related education.

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