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[POSTPONED] CALL. 15.12.2019: International Association for Presocratic Studies: Seventh Biennial Co


UPDATED: Considering the postponement of the conference, it seems natural that this date should also be postponed. Soon we will inform you about the new deadline



INFO: call -


IAPS understands “Presocratics” to be the figures for whom either fragments of their work or relevant testimonia are collected in Hermann Diels’ Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker (6th edn. 1951, edited by Walther Kranz). IAPS welcomes presentations on philosophical, philological, textual, doxographical, scientific, historical, literary and religious topics having to do with the Presocratics, on connections between Presocratic thought and other figures (e.g., the Sophists) and other areas of intellectual activity (e.g., mathematics, medicine or music), and on the reception of Presocratic thought in antiquity and later times.

IAPS welcomes participation from scholars at all stages of their careers, from graduate students to senior figures in the field.

Two-page proposals for papers, in the form of abstracts (maximum 300 words) should be sent in PDF format to:

The title line of the message should be “IAPS 7 Proposal”

The first page of the proposal should be a cover page containing the following information:

Author’s name (as you would like it to appear in the program)

Author’s institution

Author’s title or position (e.g., Graduate Student, Independent Scholar, Associate Professor)

Author’s City/Country

Title of Paper

Author’s e-mail address

Modalities of session:

( ) Longer Plenary (30' for presentation; 15' for discussion)

( ) Short Plenary (20' for presentation; 10' for discussion)

( ) Discussion session (45' for discussion)

The second page should contain the abstract and the title of paper, in any of these languages: English, French, Germany, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish.

To ensure anonymity in the refereeing process, do not put your name on this page.

Authors of proposals are asked to observe two deadlines:

  1. Submission of abstracts: December 15, 2019.

  2. Submission of full copy of paper (after acceptance of proposal), May 15, 2020

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a program committee appointed by the Council of IAPS. The decision of the program committee will be communicated via e-mail to authors of abstracts not later than 31 January 2020. Authors whose proposals have been accepted will receive an official invitation to present a paper at the conference.

· Papers may be written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish.

· For papers written in languages other than English, it is recommended that a full English version be prepared by the author in time for distribution to the audience at the conference.

· If the paper contains untransliterated Greek, a Unicode font should be used.

· Maximum length of the full copy of the paper is 3,000 words, exclusive of footnotes and bibliography.

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