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Linked Pasts 5: back to the (re)sources - 11-12-13/12/2019, Bordeaux (France)

This year’s symposium aims to centre on the questions of sources, understood here both in terms of ancient/‘historical’ sources, and in terms of data (re)source used in digital, LOD-related projects. We would like to focus on how, and why it is important to link back to the sources, as those are where the historical objects we are dealing with originate from. This will be addressed through one panel on Places (keynote: Carmen Brando Lebas) and another on People (keynote: Charlotte Roueché), each followed by a breakout session. The second aim of Linked Pasts 5 is to debate on infrastructures and LOD implementation. This key question will be addressed through a keynote by Gautier Poupeau (Institut national de l’Audiovisuel [INA], France; @lespetitescases), and a round-table gathering actors from national and supra-national infrastructures (Holly Wright from Archaeology Data Service, Francesco Beretta from, Stéphane Pouyllau for Huma-Num and DARIAH, and one representative from Pelagios). We hope this will be the opportunity to share the best practices and present to the conference attendees potential solutions for data storing and publication.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 12-13/12/2019


INFO: web -



Two workshops and tutorials will take place on the first day: one by Vincent Alamercery on OntoMe ( consortium), and one by Karl Grossner on the World-Historical Gazetteer (University of Pittsburgh World History Center). Places are limited and on first come first served basis : email if you'd like to register for one of those.

Hackathons will also be part of the programme, including the 'rolling' LinkedPipes run by Florian Thiery (RGZM, Mainz) during the whole course of the conference. As set up at the previous Linked Pasts in Mainz, LinkedPipes is a Working Group that wants to model our/the/new tools and workflow in a small generic general data model and wants to publish them to the community.

More details here:

As for the other hackathon that takes place on 1st day, please feel free to add your suggestions to the pad here:

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