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CALL. 31.12.2019: Food and drink in feasting - Copenhagen (Denmark)

Food and Drink are essential to keep us alive, but they are thousand different ways to consume them. Their role in feasting is one aspect in that consumption. The choices, what is eaten and drunk, depend on cultural, social and political perspectives, and have very little to do with information about nutrition and health. So what we eat is a question of food preferences, but how we eat, with whom we eat and where we eat is also important and the different practices are dependent on –in the widest meaning- cultural parameters






Feasts play a special role in the consumption of food and drink; feasts might even be the reason why humans started to produce food. Dinners for professors, Christmas family meals, working feasts, royal inaugurations, healing parties and any other kind of feast will be the topic of the workshop. The role of food and drink in these feasts and their importance for society will be studied. We would like to invite colleagues from history, archaeology, sociology, anthropology and language-based backgrounds to Copenhagen to present and discuss results from their recent studies of food and drink in feasting from all over the world. There will be plenty of discussion time. The conference is organized by the Food-Cluster in ToRS (Institute of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies) and will happen February 27/28th 2020 at the University of Copenhagen. There is no registration fee, but please note that places are limited and registration is necessary. Abstracts of contributions should be no more than 250 words in length and must include a title, names of all authors and their affiliations, as well as contact details of the presenting author. The deadline for abstract submission is 31. December 2019. Please submit your abstract by email to A homepage will follow later.

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