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Food and drink in feasting - 28-29/02/2020, Copenhagen (Denmark)

Food and Drink are essential to keep us alive, but they are thousand different ways to consume them. Their role in feasting is one aspect in that consumption. The choices, what is eaten and drunk, depend on cultural, social and political perspectives, and have very little to do with information about nutrition and health. So what we eat is a question of food preferences, but how we eat, with whom we eat and where we eat is also important and the different practices are dependent on –in the widest meaning- cultural parameters

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28-29/02/2020





Friday 28.02.2020

9.30-9.45 welcome

9.45-10.30 Ian Kuijt introduction

10.30-11.00 tea & coffee break

11.00-11.30 Adonice-A. Baaklini & Margaux Spruyt "The Art of Feasting in Assyria: a General Approach between Materiality and Symbolic Value"

11.30-12.00 Lone Claudi-Hansen "A feast for the afterlife. Roman impulses and local food traditions in Denmark in the first two centuries AD"

12.30-13.00 discussion

13.00-14.30 lunch

14.30-15.00 Stefano Valentini "Sacer food in a place of worship"

15.00-15.30 Susanne Kerner "Size does count. Pottery bowls for EBA feasting in the Levant"

15.30-16.00 tea & coffee break and discussion

16.00-16.30 Tobias Richter "And suddenly everyone was having a feast: Eating and Feasting in the Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic of southwest Asia"

16.30-17.00 Lisa Yeomans & Pernille Bansgaard "Evidence for a feast on wild boar in the Early Neolithic at Asiab in the Central Zagros, Iran"

17.30-18.30 discussion

Saturday 29.2.2020

10.00-10.30 Punsara Amarasinghe "Meat Feasts revealed in Ramayana ; Different reading on ancient Indian food culture"

10.30-11.00 Morten Warmind "From meal to ritual? On the origins of the Eucharist".

11.00-11.30 Elena Duce Pastor "Wedding feastings in Ancient Athens. A mix of civic duties and conspicuous consumption"

11.30-12.30 tea & coffee break and discussion

12.30-13.30 lunch

13.30-14.00 Dvir Shalem "Why are food and sex related? An Assyriological and Biblical answer".

14.00-14.30 Natia Phiphia "Role of Feast and Feasting in the 17th century Georgia"

14.30-15.00 tea & coffee break

15.00-15.30 Pelayo Huerta Segovia “No sacred food for her?”The (non-)inclusion of women in sacrificial classical vase painting.

15.30-16.00 Antonio Pio Di Cosmo "The wine, mother and son: the Brumalia feast and its re-functionalization in Middle Byzantium"

16.00-17.00 discussion

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