[POSTPONED] Departing the Polis: Travel, Travellers and Panhellenism in the extant plays and fragmen
This event concerns the theme of travel in Greek drama. Tragedy and Comedy often present their heroes as wanderers: whether that is the exiled Oedipus, the hunted Orestes, the itinerant satyrs and their father Silenus, or the comic protagonist Pisetaerus in search for a better life in Cloud Cuckoo-land. The conference brings together international scholars and experts on ancient drama to consider why this (sometimes neglected) theme is so prominent in ancient drama. . This event will explore the ways in which tragedy and comedy were concerned not merely with the Greek city (or polis) but with the spaces between ancient cities and sanctuaries, on roads and sea lanes filled with wanderers and exiles, travellers, traders and tourists.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: postponed due to COVID 19 confinement
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Sir Clive Granger Building, University Park Campus, University of Nottingham (Nottingham, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Edmund Stewart (Nottingham) ;Anna Lamari (Thessaloniki)
INFO: web - edmund.stewart@nottingham.ac.uk
PROGRAMA/PROGRAM/PROGRAMMA: Programa provisional/provisional program/programma provvisorio