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CALL. 13.03.2020: Transgresser pour mieux régner. Ombres et lumières du pouvoir dans... - (Online)


FECHA /DATE/DATA: 27-28/11/2020

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Halima Benchikh-Lehocine (ENS de Lyon – HiSoMA); Marie Durnerin (ENS de Lyon – HiSoMA, EHESS – ANHIMA); junior research team TAntALE.

INFO: web -


Open to the whole of the ancient Mediterranean world, this conference is intended to be transdisciplinary. Several approaches can be considered: communications are expected to propose a reflection on forms of power or transgressive acts and to set out their characteristics, as well as their links with the society in which these powers and acts emerge. All types of transgressions can be addressed: social, political, philosophical, religious, literary, linguistic, etc. Documentary sources may be textual, epigraphic, iconographic or historical. It may be decided to study the question along one of the proposed lines:

1. To hide or to show the transgression. - Does the transgressing sovereign or sovereign group use their transgression to publicly establish their power or is the transgression hidden?

- What choices are made by the transgressor to get the most out of his actions?

2. To claim the transgression in order to affirm or deny a power: the transgressive ethos.

- In the discourse, is the transgression part of a strategy of legitimation or is it confined?

- Can we identify a transgressive, extraordinary ethos? How is the speech built? What vocabulary used? Is power redefined by transgression?

- Can we discern a "rhetoric of transgression"?

- What are the literary, discursive, artistic means used to represent the transgression?

- How is the memory of transgressive power figures constructed?

3. The charisma of the appalling. - What effects does the transgressive act produce, and within what timeframes? How does the leader manage to renew his authority through transgressive acts without a certain routine taking place?

- Does the violence of transgressive acts contribute to the construction of authority figures?

- From this point of view, we will also question the meaning given to transgression: is it a frontal opposition to the political and social system or an ultimate consequence of it?

4. Transgression from above and below.

- What are the conditions that make it possible to seize the transgression to assert one's own power?

- Can "those of below" still reclaim a form of visibility and seize power by transgressing norms?

We invite abstracts of contributions (either in English or French) of no more than 300 words for 30 minutes papers followed by a time of discussion, to be submitted by 13th March 2020 to the organizing committee ( They must include a title, a brief presentation of the sources, the name of the author and their affiliation as well a short academic C.V. in a separate file.

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